There will always be people who want to disseminate leaks from our government. It is the responsibility of the government to protect its secrets. Once they have been compromised, it’s too late to protect them. The State Department was asleep at the switch, didn’t keep up technologically, and their information was stolen. End of story.
A lot of govt agencies are asleep at the wheel or are at the wrong wheel. We should have taken multiple precautions years ago when the first Red Chinese hacker attacks started. They were ignored: the detente mentally of the Bushes, the paid-off clintons, and the totally anti-American, I dont care mentality of the Obama abomination (er Administration).
All this was to be expected and if you thought that it couldn’t happen, then you should have been fired years ago.
THe biggest mistake we have continually made has been to underestimate our enemies, and we have paid for it in many lives (in VN-Laos, the radar site), the USS Cole, WTC I & II, US embassy and Marine barracks in Lebanon, Khobar Towers - Saudi Arabia, etc.
Our leaders have failed us time after time. We need to know why - what mindset they follow that allows this to happen.
Maybe I’ll do a column somewhere on this subject. After 40 years, I know a thing or two about govt mindsets.