The thing is I’m not so sure such a RINO is the best you’ll get for Maine. Massachusetts, of course. DADT, probably. But Maine went pretty much red in ‘10. Is there nobody better than Snowe to run up there for ‘12?
Yes, that is my question as well.
I am Left Coast, but I seethe to buy an online blowtorch to make Snowe melt politically like the Wicked Witch of the East would. If that buys Maine a (D) I could not care less, it could not get worse, in exact analogy with CT. My State has fallen into the Pacific and the Right can’t get a fingerhold here for love or money right now. I want my money to work maximally. Eliminating the political threat of Snowe sounds like a very worthwhile venture to me.
Who is with me?
Let’s do this, just help me identify how. I am a web programmer and online marketing genius who would work long hours for minwage or even gratis to see her succumb to the votes of our Maine brethren.
All I can say is....[coughs], but you might want to read this.
"Dodge lives in the High Head section of Harpswell, a thin peninsula jutting into Harpswell sound. With homestead exemptions, the property, which is owned by his mother, is valued at around $740,000, according to the town assessor's office."
"Dodge says he scratches out a living with his freelance writing. However, his father, Arthur Dodge, who last year succumbed to pancreatic cancer, was a chemical engineer for Texaco oil company, and Dodge is in line to receive a significant inheritance."