I can respect that. But I'm not sure there is a Christian duty that requires you to refuse to work with gays if ordered to do so in the military. It certainly is offensive morally, and there's nothing wrong with condemning the behavior. And obviously, there's no reason to support or endorse it.
Under your logic, Christians should essentially considered themselves morally barred from serving in the military from this time forward, which would leave perhaps the most Christian major nation in the world almost defenseless, and far more vulnerable to militant islam.
I can't see how that approach would advance the cause of Christianity.
I agree that homosexual acts are sinful, but I don't see why serving with homosexuals is morally offensive. Didn't Christ associate with sinners?
Just in case there's not confusion, I'm not a proponent of repealing don't ask don't tell. I'm just making the point that there is nothing in the Bible that says Christians aren't allowed to work or associate with sinners, so long as they do not condone the sin.
Again, this issue isn't about an individual practicing homosexual behavior, and a Christian's reaction to that. Christians may or may not wish to associate with individuals who practice homosexual behavior.
Rather, this is about homosexualism, which is a Marxist movement that seeks to destroy the traditional family and traditional values with the godless promotion of unnatural and pathological sexual practices without restraint, responsibilty, or morality. Now when this sort of agenda is FORCED upon a Christian at the workplace, the Christian is at a disadvantage. Why? Because now, the tyrants who have imposed godless immorality onto the workplace have the fist of the law behind them. Should a Christian object to any part of the homosexualist agenda, then it will be he who leaves himself vulnerable to the force of law. By the repeal of DADT, and this victory for the homosexualist agenda, those who overtly push the homosexualist agenda in the military will be a protected class.
That said, every Christian in the military must decide for himself whether he can serve in an institution where his values will be mocked, his religious speech silenced, and his Bible vilified.