Will corp greed and govt corruption kill the internet? Could happen. They could drop so many fees, taxes and filters on it that it would kill the goose that laid the golden egg. I don’t think the big companies are much different than the government. Neither had the imagination to create the net and neither may have the imagination to continue it.
The president who claims to be anti-corporate greed and anti-wealth is known to have made "exceptions" for healthcare and who knows what else. It'll be interesting to know who or what is "excluded" from this new extortion scam from the feds and greedy corporations.
Political and corporate corruption are breeding in an economy that can ill stand cost increases for the average American (who is being nickled and dimed to death since Obama took office).
If big corporate interests and big government interests did not create this ether, than who did...?
I kind of know the answer, this is just a question for you.