As sure as I am that there will be problems, I’m even more certain that we won’t hear about them. No Pentagon stats will be released, or even compiled. Any reported incidents will have any mention of homosexuality washed out.
The numbers WILL be kept, trust me. And anybody who gets in trouble over this will likely be part of a media feeding frenzy immediately.
This will be trouble.
None of it changes human nature.
They didn’t think of that part.
If they decide now to “out” themselves that will have consequences. You cannot change human nature to fit liberal utopian BS.
DADT protected people in so many ways, mostly from themselves. It was the best solution given the situation Clinton created.
This blunts further America’s sword. We have been dulling it for years.
The reports you’ll see in the media will be about the “terrible bigot” knocking the crap out of a gay guy who hit on him. And then all about the “bigot” getting kicked out.
Of course we will not hear of the problems. Hear anything about the move of females to combat? Or the number of pregnancies on Carriers? How many female fliers are simply not qualified? How many female soldiers are unable to pass a simple PT course unless the rules are bent?