The issue is not “other pollution” boy that idiot Graham just finalized it for me. He is a certifiable kook worrying about “carbon” as a villain. It’s really enough to make your head explode. China is about to overtake us economically and these fools will let it become the number one carbon “polluter” because it’s a developing country and then we are supposed to pay them not to pollute! Graham is a dope and I hope you realize he is doing this as a front man for Gingrich, who was trying to get on the global warming bandwagon as of two years ago.
Graham should be ashamed for buying into this carbon baloney.
Gingrich has fallen far from his days in Washington when he introduced the Contract with America.
Gingrich does not stand a chance of being elected president if he decides to run. He has become a RINO just like Graham.
As far as presidential prospects and timber are concerned, I also think Palin should not run either. She would do better what she has been doing since leaving the governorship, that is, stumping for true conservative candidates in locsl and national elections.
Marco Rubio would make an excellent choice as a vice presidential candidate.
Competitive GOP candidates for president include Paul Ryan, Mitch Daniels, Mike Huckabee, Jim Demint and Mitt Romney.