Nixon was a huge supporter of Israel. Multiple people told him to not go overboard in his support of Israel during the six day war (I always get the two wars confused - I think it was the six day.)
Nixon made sure Israel received all the supplies they need sending air cargo (weapons) round the clock. Golda Meir and others said Nixon helped save Israel.
It was the Yom Kippur war (1973). Nixon stripped weapons and ammo stocks from National Guard and Reserve units sent them to Isreal at the most critical time. Israel was running out of ammo and weapons just as they were stemming the tide of the Syrian and Egyptian advances. I remember seeing convoys of tnaks and mobile 155mm howitzers going down highway 101 to Vandenberg AFB where they were being flown to Isreal and driven off of transports and straight to battle.
Nixon saved Isreal, no doubt about it.
Nixon’s support for Israel in October 1973 actually dangerously denuded U.S. defenses in one important area: our stockpile of air-to-air missiles, located at Warner Robins AFB, was stripped of almost all AIM-7 and AIM-9 missiles. As a then-second lieutenant, I saw unmarked El Al airlines 747 cargo aircraft come in and take them all. If we had had to suddenly go to war in Europe, we would have had only the air-to-air missiles in forward locations in Germany, which surely would not have been enough...