I know a guy who retired from the police force in his 40’s...gets a pension..became a County Supervisor..gets a salary from that and then when he retires will get a pension and STILL be young enough to get another job. It’s absurd. It has to change.
They need to do something like prorate the pensions so you draw more if you retire when you’re older.
I have a relative who is a police officer who will retire in a couple years at close to full salary. Meanwhile he’s gone to night school the last few years, passed the bar, and is now job sharing in a second job as an attorney on his days off. When he retires he will become a full-time attorney at around age 48. Meanwhile he will simultaneously be drawing a large police pension for 20-40 years.
Not taking anything away from my relative, who is obviously a hard worker with a lot of initiative, but that kind of pension system is clearly not only nuts, but unsustainable over the long haul.