More trolling, Matt?
The video at the link was kinda funny. It slams Kate Grosslin way more than Sarah...(basically they are blaming Sarah for having this annoying woman on her show)
We know this was probably TLC’s bargaining chip to get the show, as Sarah had been shopping the idea around with little result. (Libs didn’t want to help promote her in any way)
So I can see Sarah agreeing to do this, knowing she has editorial control and the other episodes were all going to be epic.
She has spent this year reintroducing herself and her family ot America. The next year will be spent sharpening her issue stances with policy speeches and editorials, along with trips abroad to visit other world leaders.
This is a brilliant strategy she has been working to perfection. Her detractors have no idea what is about to come their way...
How is it that everybody seems to know other's real first names around here?
Signed, Ellis