I’ve made this point a number of times on this forum, but here goes again. Do the people who rail about innocent people killed by handguns ever consider the number of people killed or seriously hurt because they didn’t have a gun? I doubt it. How many women would be alive today or not have undergone a sexual assault if they had been armed?
How many women would be alive today or not have undergone a sexual assault if they had been armed?
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OR if the attacker even had a thought the victim MAY be armed.
I feel a lot ‘safer’ in VA because I am allowed to have easy access to a weapon.
Even the dummies can see that when picking out potential victims.
And yes, in neighboring areas (DC MD, which have strict (ha) laws) I feel safer because the attacker will not really take a chance of confronting me, mainly because of my tags.
Of course, I look like I may be carrying anyway so I really don’t worry about it.
And yes, try me and see if I will pull the trigger. My mindset etal says you don’t bare your weapon unless you fully intend to use it.