Come January, the Pubbies could certainly pass the Bush "tax cuts" (actually, maintain the same rates we have now) retroactively in the House. But it won't necessarily pass the 'Rat controlled Senate. And even if it did pass the Senate, there's a good chance that O would veto it, meaning a tax increase, and claim in his veto announcement that it doesn't include some of the provisions (e.g., unemployment benefits extension) supposedly agreed to in the "framework" he announced the other day.
All Senate RATs and RINOs up in 2012 who defy We The People will be TOAST. My guess is that We The People are big-time angry about the intentional destruction of our country.
All Tea Party members must stay vigilant and organize even further.
If we’re lucky, the lame duck Congress will be so mired in gridlock, it’ll get nothing passed.