One day the communists will be gone and American money will start pouring into Cuba again, hopefully that day will be soon.
"If I could only live to see it, to be there with you. What I wouldn't give for twenty more years! Here we are, protected, free to make our profits without Kefauver, the goddamn Justice Department and the F.B.I. ninety miles away, in partnership with a friendly government. Ninety miles! It's nothing! Just one small step, looking for a man who wants to be President of the United States, and having the cash to make it possible. Michael, we're bigger than U.S. Steel."
Having been to many parts of the Caribbean, I’d say that there are much better beaches and scenery in the DR and Puerto Rico. Also, there was beautiful beach hotel development in PR in the 1950s that’s still there in excellent condition. But forget this beach stupidity - Do none of you realize that Cuba was a COUNTRY, with seven cities, one of which was among the most beautiful in the world, that Cuba was one of the 4 pillars of civilization of Latin America ——