EXACTLY....Mrs. Bush (the elder) did herself NO PR good with her “snarky comment.” Lowered my opinion of her....sounds as though they are resentful and that Palin may be an obstacle to them continuing THEIR dynasty, i.e. Jeb, etc.
I just realized this!
All this nasty stuff from the ‘bluebloods’ is to destroy Sarah because they know she would win and she is a threat to Jeb’s ascension in 2016.
They WANT TO LOSE this time.
They know a stiff like Romney has very little chance, especially in this political climate.
They would happily sacrifice four years to assure Jeb’s success in 2016, and they know that Palin would be as popular as Reagan (just look at her record in Alaska - 93% approval)- that makes Jeb SOL until 2024.
This is all about Jeb in 2016.
If we (as conservatives) vote for anyone other than Palin, it is a defacto vote for Romney, and ultimately, for the democrat - whoever that might be.
Sarah Palin is our only hope.