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To: ChicagoConservative27
'I want to continue to fight the war on terror'With an open border and 20+ million illegal aliens running around our country to whom you want to give amnesty, Karl?
33 posted on
12/04/2010 8:00:55 AM PST by
(High time to bring back the Sons of Liberty !!)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Not only are Karl’s repeated comments about Palin ‘unnecessary’, but she’s paid presumably even more than he is to offer her views as a professional pundit herself.
To: ChicagoConservative27
I agree. It was completely unnecessary for Barbara Bush to say what she said and...oh, he meant it was completely unnecessary for Sarah Palin to say what she said. Well, if Mrs. Bush hadn’t said anything about Mrs. Palin, Mrs. Palin wouldn’t have had the need to say anything back.
39 posted on
12/04/2010 8:05:02 AM PST by
(Palin 2012: BOOM. Taste My Cluebat!)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Good for Laura not falling for his B.S. turning Palin’s remark into an attack on Babs Bush. Rove just turns my stomach.
45 posted on
12/04/2010 8:11:11 AM PST by
To: ChicagoConservative27
“Don’t worry about me. I worry about you.” LOL
48 posted on
12/04/2010 8:13:05 AM PST by
To: ChicagoConservative27
Rove says a lot of things I agree with but the fact of the matter is the mismanagement of the Bush presidiency brought discredit on conservatism and paved the way for Obama’s election. “Blue-Blooded” Republicanism has failed; it’s nothing more than a slower pace toward EuroSocialism. Sarah has neatly drawn the battle lines. Conservatives want fundamental change. Blue Bloods can get on the bus or get out of the way.
49 posted on
12/04/2010 8:14:29 AM PST by
To: ChicagoConservative27
He’s still hacking out the “compassionate conservative” nonsense. He is completely out of touch with politics 2010.
50 posted on
12/04/2010 8:14:45 AM PST by
To: ChicagoConservative27
You're even more unnecessary Herr Karl.
61 posted on
12/04/2010 8:23:04 AM PST by
E. Pluribus Unum
(DEFCON I ALERT: The federal cancer has metastasized. All personnel report to their battle stations.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
karl rove is a gopher for the rino rich bitches.
64 posted on
12/04/2010 8:23:53 AM PST by
(who runs the gop?)
To: ChicagoConservative27
71 posted on
12/04/2010 8:31:04 AM PST by
('Freedom is the light of all sentient beings.' - Optimus Prime)
To: ChicagoConservative27
At least Rove knew what the term meant.
Unlike Meghan McCain who accused Sarah of being uneducated because she used terms, like 'Blue Bloods' that Meghan didn't understand.
McCain wrote, I actually had to Google what the meaning of blue bloods was'
74 posted on
12/04/2010 8:33:32 AM PST by
Iron Munro
(This is our culture; fight for it. This is our flag; pick it up. This is our country; take it back.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Effectively, we’ve dissolved into three political parties:
Tea Party
Establishment republicans.
To: ChicagoConservative27
A blue blood is upset he’s called a blue blood.
85 posted on
12/04/2010 8:40:44 AM PST by
("Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God?" John 11:40)
To: ChicagoConservative27
When you throw a stone into a pack of dogs ...
87 posted on
12/04/2010 8:42:31 AM PST by
(Palin 2012: don't retreat, just reload)
To: ChicagoConservative27
To: ChicagoConservative27
People still care what Tokyo Rove thinks?
We might have one more young Conservative in the Senate if it wasn't for pudgy face turd blossom.
98 posted on
12/04/2010 8:55:56 AM PST by
(Watch Out! Americans are on the March! America Forever, Mexico Never!)
To: ChicagoConservative27
104 posted on
12/04/2010 9:00:33 AM PST by
To: ChicagoConservative27
Karl, get a clue son - YOU are not necessary!
111 posted on
12/04/2010 9:22:15 AM PST by
(RINOs be gone!)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Tokyo Rove is squealing like a stuck pig. His 15 min are over.
119 posted on
12/04/2010 9:49:24 AM PST by
VRWC For Truth
(Throw the bums out who vote yes on the bailout)
To: ChicagoConservative27
When Ronald Reagan was running for the 1980 nod, George Bush was in the country club blue-blood set. Bush's supporters disliked Reagan. Reagan diffused the situation by asking George to run with him on the ticket. And, Bush was tolerated by the rest of us because he was pro-life.
Rove is like his political forebears, politically stuck at the Country Club and can show nothing but contempt for those of us who have red blood coursing through our veins, like Ronald Reagan.
122 posted on
12/04/2010 9:49:58 AM PST by
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