There’s some good source documents included at the link in the article.,1
The first one I looked at included this:
California First LLC Final Offer Letter - 05 21 10.pdf
The Purchaser has assembled a consortium of established investors with deployable capital sufficient to execute this transaction. Purchaser has entered into commitments for equity investments for the transaction with the below investors, and we are materially oversubscribed for this transaction. Please let us know if you would to either speak with any of the below investors or review any of the commitment documentations, and we will promptly arrange to provide the same. The investors include:
Belgravia Capital
Woodmont Capital Partners
Steadfast Companies
Black Equities Group
AE Capital Advisers
Capital Pacific Holdings, Inc.
The Linc Group
GreenSpace Developments
How was that infamous liberal with EB Homes, or whatever it was called?