Your a F'ing idiot on so many levels...
First of all, calling what has happened to this union of states over the last few decades "adverse election results" is like saying the jews of socialist Germany had a bit of a problem.
Second.. The founders encouraged, empowered and implored their posterity to throw off government tyranny as quickly as possible by WHATEVER MEANS. The founders also understood that the right of people to break an association with others is a natural right that can not be mitigated by any law created by man. In other words, Secession is a natural right of men. If we come to the conclusion that our government is subjecting us to absolute and miserable tyranny, then we have the right and duty to disassociate ourselves from those who wish to make us slaves to their will, and the founders of this union would stand up and F'ing applaud the day we do...
Revolution is a right of man. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln all believed that. But secession, a narrower constitutional concept is not revolution. The secessionists wanted to reap the fruits of revolution without having recourse to the long list of abuses that overcomes the proper adherence to established government as spoken of in the Declaration of Independence:
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes"
I believe that the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 is the perfect example of a light and transient cause that the Declaration speaks of.