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To: rockrr; x; Idabilly; central_va; southernsunshine; mstar; DeoVindiceSicSemperTyrannis
Those same secessionists who attempted to rip our nation apart wouldn’t object to the likes of pokie, cva, or idabooby cleaning their spittoons, but otherwise wouldn’t be seen in public with them.

I see Clueless in Seattle is back.

Hello punk. What part of the South did you say you were from?

Your statement above is typically punkrr stupid, which is exponentially more stupid than say, ns stupid, which is pretty damn stupid.

First of all, nobody 'ripped' a nation apart (were you crying when you typed that?). The South began a new nation. The yankees still had their country but disHonest Abe's vanity and legacy was more important to him than human lives.

Second, based on my family history, if I were living in 1860, I would have been a slave holding planter.

Third, given the above, I would have had my slaves (some of your ancestors perhaps?) clean the spittoons.

Fourth, Southern planters, elites as you and x called them, did not share the same snobbish attitudes as yankee elites, which is true today. We don't look down on people based on their skin color, education or income level they way you yankees do. It's a Southern thing and you and x and ns and the rest of the coven just don't get it.

Well, punkrr, I've got to get started feeding my pure-bred horses (if this was 1860, my slaves would be doing that) and then I'm heading to my gun room to reload some ammo, drink some PBR's and spit some Copenhagen. It's gonna be 308 or "seven point six two millimeter, full metal jacket" tonight. Would you like me to tenderly write your name on one of them?

"Rebellion is always an option!!"--Jim Robinson

339 posted on 12/04/2010 2:03:27 PM PST by cowboyway (Molon labe : Deo Vindice : "Rebellion is always an option!!"--Jim Robinson)
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To: cowboyway
Such a display of match-o there pokie....have you been sniffin the bicycle seats down at the playground again?!

It's gonna be 308 or "seven point six two millimeter, full metal jacket" tonight. Would you like me to tenderly write your name on one of them?

Oh, and another veiled threat of personal violence from pokie. How nice. You haven't the brass to pull it off pokie.

Now sit like a good doggie.

That's right.

342 posted on 12/04/2010 3:05:24 PM PST by rockrr ("I said that I was scared of you!" - pokie the pretend cowboy)
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To: cowboyway; rockrr
First of all, nobody 'ripped' a nation apart (were you crying when you typed that?). The South began a new nation. The yankees still had their country but disHonest Abe's vanity and legacy was more important to him than human lives.

You summed it up succintly in your first point:) The rest of the post....LMAO from the time I started reading!

355 posted on 12/04/2010 6:20:08 PM PST by southernsunshine
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To: cowboyway; rockrr; Non-Sequitur
Fourth, Southern planters, elites as you and x called them, did not share the same snobbish attitudes as yankee elites, which is true today. We don't look down on people based on their skin color, education or income level they way you yankees do.

That has to be either the stupidest, or the most insane, or the most mendacious thing posted here in a long, long time.

It's a Southern thing and you and x and ns and the rest of the coven just don't get it.

Apparently not.

I guess you have to be part of the klavern to understand.

394 posted on 12/05/2010 11:48:35 AM PST by x
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