I meant to add that the distance from L.A. was estimated to be 35 miles, which, coincidentally, is the exact same distance the horizon is when one is at sea-level.
Go ask a professional sea-farer that distance. A guy who's made his living fishing on boats at sea, going a couple hundred miles offshore for ... oh, 40 years. Ask him how far he can see before a boat with a superstructore of, say, 12 feet, can't be seen because it's below the horizon.
Go ahead -- do it. I have. :^)
It's how I know for certain sure that you are full of sh*t.
Well, not exactly.
Where is the Horizon?Note that for E=0 (eyes at sea level) the observer is at the horizon, and for someone who is 6 feet tall the horizon is 3 miles away. That same six-footer will continue to see a 40-foot tall boat until its about 11 miles away.