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If there's any "transparency" in the Obama administration it's their revealing that Israel is not an ally, in fact America gives with conditions, while it gives to terrorist arabs( as proven as if we needed proof) to wahabi nasties and others in the region.
Gottlieb seems to have good ideas, but I don't think Bibi can just turn and listen as the pressures seem too great, as anyone holding the position of prime minister takes his turn sticking his head in the vice where one side is the arab terrorists/propagandists, and the other side is the nations such as America feigning ally status when the diplomats, ambassadors and of course the WH has a severe case of antisemitism shrouded by some great lines of BS that fool quite a few Jews and the waffling masses bending to propagandists shunning history screaming Israel is Hitleresque, it's an apartheid nation while simple ignoring about 50 other nations( arab and other ) that are the definition of those words pinned on Israel.
Therefore until Israel's leaders actually listen and follow through on the conservative belief Israel as given by God is much bigger than"Auschwitz" borders then they'll succumb to the will of oppsosing nations who have no intentions of allowing Israel any land and refuse to read their history. Heck more than half the worls including America calls themselves "secular" despite the screaming of her people to the contrary. Too bad.