Based upon your $600 month premium sounds like you are not Medicare eligble as of yet. Why not increase your deductible to say $10,000 and self fund the small stuff?? That way you are still covered for the catastrophic stuff.
RE: “Based upon your $600 month premium sounds like you are not Medicare eligble as of yet. Why not increase your deductible to say $10,000 and self fund the small stuff?? That way you are still covered for the catastrophic stuff.”
This is California. I have talked to multiple brokers and companies themselves and found nothing with a deductible above $7,500. Plus, no matter what, age alone means ultra high premiums. And there is no ability to purchase across state lines. Only Medi-Cal would work for me and I have to much money. The state ‘high risk’ pool ( I take cholesterol drug and that alone puts me in high risk) has a very long ‘wait list.’ Neighbor’s daughter is 25 and gets once-a-year cold sore on lip and SHE was rejected outright for her own policy ). CA is a TOUGH state to deal with, unless one is a vagrant or welfare queen — they get fabulous healthcare.