I’m not sure if either the government or private industry can do a better job. Greed has a way of corrupting everything and after Wall Street 2008 I refuse to lock into any ideology that one is better than the other.
What we need is a big axe that can take the head off the first one that prefers dishonesty over ethics. To enforce that we need oversight of each. When money is involved corruption will inevitably result and the victims are often those most gullible as in elderly.
So no I will never buy a philosophy that private industry is without its own set of problems and agree that greed is always the catalyst.
I could go either way as long as there is a means to enforce justice and that those who cross the line of ethics will pay with their head in a basket. That would solve many of the problems we have today where the guilty go unpunished. I don’t trust politicians to prosecute.
Private industry can do it more cost effectively than government work, but I never said that it was free of problems.
They’re just not as rampant as the government ones and there’s not anything that the government can’t screw up good once it gets its hands on it.
You’re right. We can never weed out corruption on all levels. But the government certainly can’t and putting them in charge of something like that is like having the fox guard the henhouse.
Private enterprise and a free market will take care of as much as possible.
For a perfect world, we have to wait for the next one.