Personally do not anticipate such desperate decisions ahead for Repubs; certainly hope/pray not. We have some good, capable possibilities of which Sarah is one. Mitt would never be my choice; but if these Repubs pull him out of the hat - in spite - will vote nonetheless; but not happily. Do hope they are smarter than this.
. (There are, of course, many strange bed 'combos' in politics; Sarah offering that she would be happy to be Mitt's VP; one of the more strange; but she did ride in with McCain, so who knows. . .)
Whatever, the Commies must go! And then the RINO'S; should there be any left.
Totally agree but I will not support some country club shill either.
If McCain hadn’t picked Sarah he would have gone down as a laughing stock and Fauxbama would have won in a landslide that would have made even my jaw drop and I damn sure don’t want to see that BS again.