These must be those low wage federal workers who need to be punished for voting Republican.
That’s the way it’s going to work. Look for a lot of GS-step promotions in the next two years. Each step’s pay rate will be frozen, but any promotion deserves a raise. Those at the low end, just by the nature of their jobs, will find it difficult to get promotions.
Actually, low grade/wage workers are a thing of past in the federal government.. Most of these lower wage jobs are contracted to the private sector, ie secretarues, maintenace, landscape etc, date entry clerks. This is one reason why Federal Gov’t salaries are so high on average as it mostly a professional workface(engineers, IT, accountants, budget and Project mangers) and these lower contracted out positions are not figured into the average.
“These must be those low wage federal workers who need to be punished for voting Republican.”
Probably those in DoD.
Well, from what I heard it won’t be those higher paid newly elected Congresspeople, because, while I didn’t see it in the NYT article, apparently Congresspeople will not be frozen for two years. I wonder if the new Republicans and Tea Party electees will call for a freeze on Congressional pay? I, as a lowly Social Security recipient, have already been frozen for two years. I wonder what they plan for next year.
As a small stockholder, we also need to press the CEO’s of our corporations to freeze or cut back their often highly inflated salaries and bonuses and stop sending jobs to cheap labor foreign countries so they can overpay themselves. For example, the top 7 executives of GE were paid from $11 to $22 million for 2007, 8, and 9. At the same time the stock was tanking from $50 a share to as low as $5 a share, and is now stagnant between $15 and $20. Did they cut their pay, oh, no!! Did they want us stockholders to approve a Proposal for a Stockholders Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation, oh, no!! They said, “vote against this piece of stockholder democracy”. Did I listen to them, oh, no!! I want to have a say in what these clowns are doing to my company.