McCain is comparable to Bob Dole.
McCain is the furthest person from Reagan on the Republican side. Democrats aren’t even a footnote.
I won’t refrain from McKennedy comparisons; dirt bag, pond scum, dung beetle assistant (we already know who the Dung Beetle in Chief is), toe cheese.
And those are a few of the N words that describe this incredible piece of excrement. (N is a very large number.)
Not trying to knock Palin, but we need to have some perspective.
The Left was even MORE against GW Bush than they were against Reagan. The same socialists behind "Rock Agaisnt Reagan" stood up to stage "Rock Against Bush" concerts, albums, etc. "Bush = Terrorist" shirts and "Bushitler" stickers were everwhere to be seen.
I don't care to "win over" the neo-communists. They are as evil in mindset as neo-nazis.
That said, Sarah Palin and GW Bush were no Ronald Reagan.
Two RINOs in a pod: Palin and McCain. Who endorsed McCain in the GOP primary? I’m amazed Freepers still see her as the Great Conservative Hope! Wake up! She’s a low rent version of Gloria Steinem and I don’t want her anywhere near the White House.
He was very positive and drew a parallel between Palin and Reagan himself. Then sensing that the press were trying to press it to a newsworthy extreme, he settled on reiterating good things about Palin.
I really don’t think we’ve got anything to complain about him with this appearance, which I think anyone who saw the actual clip would see.
Sarah Palin has a LONG way to go before I could ever entertain comparisons to Ronaldus Magnus. I mean, c’mon. REALLY?
25 minutes ago
Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., compared Sarah Palin to Ronald Reagan on Sunday and said he was proud of his 2008 running mate...
ABC News (blog)
McCain knows that if he directly attacks Palin, he will only succeed in weakening himself. So, he damns her with faint praise, as Shakespeare once said.
We should all wait and see just what Sarah decides and then if we agree, support her whole heartedly.
No more nominations by seniority and no more circular firing squads.
Lets take this country back to where the Founders desired it to be.