I couldn’t disagree with you more. I live in a heavily immigrant community. Roughly 80% of my neighbors are either Indian or Asian. These are people who haven’t grown up with Scouts as an institution. Yet we have a large number of scouts in our area. I’m the scout master for one such unit. We have every major world religion represented in the troop. All of these boys are learning leadership, responsibility, and citizenship. Their parents agree that these are things worth learning.
So scouting is considered relevant in my neighborhood!
I’m glad to hear that. Perhaps my perception is skewed since I live in such a heavily democrat area. After years of the ACLU & media attacking the Scouts, painting them as “homophobes” etc I don’t know anyone with a son in the Scouts or who really even gives them a second thought. Very sad. I work in a children’s hospital & most of the kids I meet are couch potatoes who are addicted to their computers & video games. I shudder to think of what the country will be like when these kids are running the show