A business group of us visited Germany a number of years ago.
While dining in a restaurant on the square in Bonn, we asked for another basket of bread. Our waiter, who spoke very little English — but who was apparently accustomed to hearing THAT question from Americans — practically shouted “No more bread.” We chuckled at his rudeness.
Near the end of the meal, the waiter approached one of our party and, pointing to one of the menu selections, asked in pidgen English, “Vas ist? in English?” Without pausing, our tablemate turned to him and declared “ROADKILL.” The waiter walked away practicing aloud his new English word.
Once outside, we all burst into laughter as we visualized the next English speaking patron to order that dish being informed that it was “ROADKILL.”
Payback’s a bitch.
What in the heck are you talking about? In my many years of travel in Germany, I have never heard “No more bread.”
Sure, they might charge you for it - but so what?