Perry became Gov. when Bush resigned. From his first election to his latest re-election he has had bigger losers and outright idiots run against him. Perry is the classic t*urd sandwich running against whatever douche bag the Dems. could come up with, like Bill White.
WARNING for those of you from outside Texas! Perry has been Gov. for years but only recently started his conservative pretending. Perry was a Dem. and is buddies with Al Gore. Perry tried a huge land grab via his insane Trans-Texas Corridor BS that was shot down (so far) and he also tried to FORCE Texan girls to be vaccinated with Guardasil. Perry did an executive order on the latter.
Perry has done little or nothing to shut the borders down.
I know lobbyists in Austin who have told me that years back Bush and Cheney referred to rick Perry as "the dumbass". Perry is a RINO and CINO. He is right about Social Security but so what. What he says is no original idea. He has never had one. Perry is not presidential material. I'm not realy sure what he is good at except sitting and rolling over on command.
“...and is buddies with Al Gore”
Anyone can say what you just said...but how does one prove it. In Perry’s case, he was Al Gore’s 1988 state CHAIRMAN for Gore’s (futile) presidential run. That is some big baggage for a presidential wannabe and also shows just what kind of judgment he has.
Here in Texas, we simply cannot seem to find a conservative to take him on. Kay got her clock cleaned in the primary, but she’s no conservative and never had her heart in it anyway. No other conservative will even get near him - so we stay stuck with him...for ANOTHER 4 years.