I’d like to have asked these agents why they all pulled back from the car just seconds before the shots were fired...This gave the shooter(s) a clear shot at Kennedy...
From Time A Chat You Can’t Refuse:
Former Consigliere Bill Bonanno
Transcript from May 11, 1999
Het_Nikik_1 asks: Who was truly involved in the Kennedy Assassination?
Bill Bonanno: This is going to be a long answer....
Bill Bonanno: I can only relate to you what has been related to me. And in order to do that, we have to go back and understand the situations that were happening at that period of time, the late Fifties and the early Sixties. When Kennedy became President, he was immediately faced with a 3-prong attack on his administration.
Number 1 was the Diem situation in Southeast Asia, where he and his administration backed the Diem government and then in later years, as the story goes, they dumped Diem. Diem fell out of favor with Washington. Kennedy had sent Maxwell Taylor to Southeast Asia and later Cabot Lodge... so that was one thing.
And then the second prong of the three-prong attack was the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban situation.
And the third prong was his and Bobby’s relentless attacks on the people in our world, and for the sake of clarity, the people that were involved in the Mafia.
So at a given period of time in the early sixties he had the French against him, the Cubans against him, and the Sicilian Italians against him.
Madame Nhu, who was the wife of the brother of President Nhu, and the acting First Lady of South Vietnam If you recall your history, she went off to Paris where she was enlisting the aid of the French OAS to support her brother-in-law. So you have a very complicated situation in the years 1960 and 1963.
It came to my attention many years later in 1971 while I was a guest of our government at the federal institution in San Pedro, California, that there was more to the assassination than a lone gunman. One day while I was sitting in the yard, with a number of other inmates, Johnny Roselli, out of Chicago, was very upset, infuriated in fact, about the treatment that he was being given by his people in Chicago. One of this group had made a remark about Jack Ruby, and Johnny made the statement that “Jack was a lot more loyal than that (expletive) Sam.”
Whether or not it actually happened the way it was related to me, I don’t know I do know this: That Johnny Roselli told me that he was the shooter in the sewer below the grassy knoll. And that there were others that were backups behind the wall of the grassy knoll. They were Frenchmen.
I’ve been asked many times whether I believe him, and I irrevocably believe him, because I have known Johnny for a long time. I know the type of person he was, and there would not be any purpose of him saying it if it were not true. Because he knew the people that he was talking with that day in the Yard.
It was not a long gunman. In reality, Lee Harvey Oswald was the fall guy.