It’s not like he spent 8 years fighting for this country after being expelled from college for anti-British activities or anything. It’s not like Hamilton was willing to become a pariah in supporting Aristocratic prinicples to ensure taht both Aristocratic and Democratic principles existed in our Constitution, thus preventing us from becoming the type of Jacobin state taht the Slavocrat Jefferson supported. And its not like Hamilton was killed by Aaron Burr because he prevented the ambitious future traitor from becoming President and Governor of NY.
I’m with you on this one.
Hamilton was highly concerned that the American Revolution would disintegrate in exactly the way the French Revolution did, and he fought to keep it from happening. He seems, so far, to have been successful.
Hamilton was the original “America is a Republic not a Democracy” guy. Why so many who claim to his position despise him is a mystery to me.
Be that as it may, Hamilton gave not a flip about the rights of the States. Just look at the plan he introduced at the Convention, which sank like a stone, and whose lack of support caused him thereafter to remain practically silent at the Convention. he did, of course, use his great argumentative skills to defend the plan arrived at by the Convention, and joined with Madison to set the new government on a firm foundation. But within a year, the two had split over the issue of the central bank, which Madison and Jefferson believed anathema to the liberties of the States.