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To: ErnBatavia

Yes ...


TSA abuse in airports is completely out of control with more and more cases of security workers groping women, fondling children, abusing naked body scanners, and interrogating passengers emerging every week, and yet the government’s answer to the epidemic of oppression is to hand TSA thugs more power with which to harass American citizens.

The story of Infowars employee Michelle, who along with her child was sexually assaulted by TSA staff after refusing to go through a naked body scanner, has gone viral on the Internet after it was picked up by the Drudge Report, a website leading the charge in the backlash against airport oppression at the hands of the TSA that has now led to the world’s largest pilot’s association boycotting the use of naked body scanners.

Michelle’s traumatic experience represents just the tip of the iceberg.

More here:

The body scanners were vigorously promoted by people like former Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff and others who stood to reap a financial windfall from their implementation, despite the fact that scientists at Columbia University and the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety, along with other scientific bodies, have all warned that the devices increase the risk of developing cancer.

Stories about TSA officials abusing the use of the scanners have become commonplace.

44-year-old Rolando Negrin beat his supervisor with a police baton after he had cracked jokes about Negrin’s small manhood when he walked through a naked scanner as part of a training exercise at Miami International Airport. The story underscored the fact that authorities had been lying all along about the claim that the scanners did not show sensitive details of genitalia.

The aggressive campaign on behalf of governments and the media to sell the public on invasive body scanners has been accompanied by the reassurance that the devices do not show details of genitals, an obvious attempt to counter the fact that the machines represent a virtual strip search as well as violating laws against child pornography.

Despite assurances from the TSA that the scanners do not show the shape of genitalia, sample images from their own website clearly display the outline of the penis. In addition, after nearly a year of authorities lying in claiming that the technology used in airports did not allow the naked images to be saved or transmitted, it emerged that police agencies, including the U.S. Marshals Service, who were using the same systems, were storing naked body scanner images. The TSA’s own documents also confirmed that the machines must “allow exporting of image data in real time” and provide a mechanism for “high-speed transfer of image data over the network.”

Indian film star Shahrukh Khan told a BBC talk show that naked images of his body from the scanner were printed out and circulated by airport staff at Heathrow in London. Heathrow denied the claim but Khan himself never retracted the story, and had no apparent motive for making it up.

Heathrow authorities were unable to deny a later example of the scanners being abused, when it emerged that a Heathrow worker had perved over a naked image of a female colleague after she passed through one of the devices, before commenting, “I love those gigantic tits”.

Jo Margetson, 29, reported John Laker, 25, to the police after she had entered the x-ray machine by mistake and Laker took the image before making lewd comments.

Airport security staff workers are among the least trustworthy people to operate these machines. These individuals are routinely caught abusing their authority for their own ego trip or sexual perversion.

As the video below illustrates, the fact that naked body scanner machines in the U.S. are manned by TSA thugs who are routinely caught abusing their power in treating the public like prison inmates only heightens the danger posed by the use of the new devices.

The systems are being manned by people like a TSA agent who flipped out and began screaming, “I am god, I’m in charge,” shortly after he got off duty at LAX earlier this year.

With innumerable reports over the past ten years of TSA agents completely abusing their authority and going on petty power trips with little other motivation than to humiliate and degrade old people, pregnant women, and the physically disabled, while proclaiming themselves to be “Gods,” the fact that these people are now feeling up our children is revolting.

Indeed, we’ve spoken to airport workers who were asked by their employers if they support the naked body scanners. Workers who indicate that they oppose the scanners have quickly been demoted or even fired. The TSA is now openly pursuing a policy of hiring thugs who enjoy using the scanners to fulfil their sick sexual kicks or little-Hitler mentality.

We need to halt the epidemic of TSA abuse not only because it interferes with our freedom of mobility but because everything being rolled out in the airports is eventually designed to hit the streets.

Today the airports and tomorrow the world – sniffer dogs, checkpoints and pat downs are now taking place at bus depots. Americans are being radiated by scanners at vehicle checkpoints. Mobile body scanners are set to be used on crowds at public events.

We have documented numerous examples over the years of TSA workers abusing their power and behaving like thugs.

At the start of the year we highlighted the case of war reporter Michael Yon, who was interrogated without reason by TSA goons who demanded he give them his private email passwords. We also wrote about another case where Steve Bierfeldt, a Ron Paul Campaign For Liberty treasurer, was hounded and harassed by TSA agents for the crime of carrying cash and Ron Paul campaign material.


Incidents of TSA agents behaving like secret political police and embarking on petty power trips to harass innocent people have exploded way out of control and it has to stop now. Even overlooking the primary issues of gross violations of rights and privacy, the fact is that a large number of people have simply refused to travel to America anymore because entering the country is like trying to get into the old East Germany. This is killing the tourism industry and costing hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

A 2006 investigation by the Discover America Partnership found that tourism to America had sunk due to “a climate of fear and frustration that is turning away foreign business and leisure travelers from visiting the United States and damaging America’s image abroad.”

No less than a third of tourists vowed never to return to America after experiencing the treatment of Homeland Security officials at ports of entry. By early 2007, the U.S. had lost around 60 million visitors as a result of the stifling and intrusive security measures implemented since 9/11, which were proven to be completely flawed in light of the underwear bomber incident on Christmas Day.

America has not only lost its crown as a beacon of freedom and hospitality, turning instead into a feared police state shunned by tourists, but it has also sacrificed almost a third of its tourist industry as a result of TSA and Homeland Security thugs being given the power to treat everyone who enters the country as a potential terrorist who is guilty until proven innocent.

In the meantime, a cadre of minimum wage goons are being trained to run nationwide checkpoints. The Stanford prison experiment taught us that people will obey orders no matter who brutal and inhumane, to the point of torture and even death. A whole legion of such individuals has been turned loose on the American people and soon they will hit the streets.

The national security police state has been advancing for years but now that the true takeover of American society is in full swing, Americans are finally beginning to understand that everything supposedly aimed at terrorists is in fact directed towards them.

If Americans continue to blithely accept their abuse at the hands of TSA thugs, it sends a clear message to the authorities that they are quite prepared to suffer any indignity whatsoever, which will inevitably lead to a feeding frenzy unless Americans begin to stand up for themselves against airport oppression in greater numbers.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.

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119 Responses to “TSA Groping Out Of Control”
CrisisJones Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 10:06 am
Clintonite: Obama Needs OKC Bombing to “Reconnect with the American People”

Why is this article completely removed from the home page?

Especially considering that al Awlaki just put out a video calling for AMERICANS to be murdered. (Made to order for Mark Penn’s recommended mass murder to protect obama’s power.)

CAIRO — A U.S.-born radical Yemeni cleric linked to previous attacks on the U.S. called for Muslims around world to kill Americans in a new video message posted on radical websites Monday.

Anwar al-Awlaki said since all Americans are the enemy, clerics don’t need to issue any special fatwas or religious rulings allowing them to be killed.

“Don’t consult with anybody in killing the Americans, fighting the devil doesn’t require consultation or prayers seeking divine guidance. They are the party of the devils,” he said. “We are two opposites who will never come together.”

FreeMan Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 10:55 am

Prepare people, we’re entering a Technological Holocaust.

Repudiate your debts so you may have some resources to survive, my name links to more info for those who wish to prepare while there’s still time.

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 6:26 pm

Please don’t SPAM my comments FM.

That’s some seriously trashy shiit.

Shalom Reply:

November 9th, 2010 at 8:27 am

I thought traveler9878 died in a bunker in 1945?

Matzo Man Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 10:23 am
I would still rather opt-out. If no one uses these damn things they will GO AWAY.


FreeMan Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 10:58 am

Boycott the airlines, so that airline companies put the pressure on the TSA, because if the Airlines shut down, the TSA is out of business.

arwijn Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:36 pm

And what if they started to squeeze your genitals so hard that you become sterile?

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:59 pm

Or get testicular cancer.

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 4:03 pm

Or breast cancer.

As I understand it, squeezing with great force or hard blows to the woman’s breasts can cause cancer.

I can hardly believe we are having THIS discussion about being abused physically by our own government!

This is absolutely fukn insane!

Tom Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:16 pm

I doubt that the TSA would play second fiddle to the airlines. Airplanes and jets do not advance the NWO. TSA Nazi’s do.


November 8th, 2010 at 11:24 am









__________FULL TYRANNY___________






jrkndgrkn Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 10:43 am
2 Ways to drive them crazy – Prosthetic wang! Imagine the face of the TSA Agent when they feel your hammer tip at your knee cap. The other way to go is to smile, wink at the agent and then ask if there is a full cavity search involved. IF they say yes, ask if a happy ending comes with. IF they say no – then sigh ruefully.

BillF Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 10:57 am
And people honestly ask “why would government insiders help the terrorists on 9/11?” Why wouldn’t they?

Tom Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 12:25 pm

There are no terrorists. It was Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Promitheas Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:30 pm

and still are now CIA, mossad, MI5 and wall street financiers.

Tom Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:18 pm

Okay! I stand corrected! There ARE terrorists: the CIA, MI5, wall street financiers, and the Mossad if that’s really true.

KeltWitch Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 11:09 am
This happened to me. On Oct 27, I went to Wichita KS for a job and came home again. No problems on the outbound flight. But, on the return, AFTER going through the metal detectors without setting them off, I was pulled aside for further screening. When I asked why, I was told it was standard because I was wearing a skirt.

Now, I have traveled for 20 years for work and if I am on a business trip, I ALWAYS wear a skirt and this has NEVER happened before. The TSA worker ran their hands all over me, under my skirt, groped my breasts and ran their fingers on my genitals. Having been raped 25 years ago, I was in shock. I have gotten further unsettled by the incident since then.

I understand the need for security, but mind, I am a red haired, fair skinned woman who looks no more like Osama or anyone else who has been an issue on a flight. This was unnecessary and if it had happened on a street someplace, the person would have been charged with sexual assault.

traveler9878 Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 12:21 pm

Complaining won’t work. If some of these bastards are targeted and paid visits it will make them think. It’s like the pwoer given to a Cop. They have the pwoer over you. If I was one of them with a warped mind and you wlaked through with nice legs. I would pull down your panties and play with your love box.

If the planes are full then people don’t have a problem with being groped. Just don’t take the planes. I quit flying 8 years ago and I’d like to know why I would have toever take a plane. Sure if you li in Maine and want to see granny in Florida for Thanksgiving and you don’t want to drive for 30 hours, then you might have to drive. But that’s the problem with this country so damn big.

If you fly a plane and it’s not an emergency please come in and tell your story, but leave out the part where the TSA caused you climaxed. We just don’t want to hear it.

Tom Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:24 pm

What a dick! She had a truly terrible experience that really was a 2nd rape. And you have the above post to say about it?!!

traveler9878, you must be 12. As soon as the pubes hit, I hope you find something else to do with your time. Your above post was simply too rude for words. HER post was exactly what a post is supposed to be: passing on information that was VERY pertinent. Telling us about how the TSA Nazi’s treated her. She deserves way more respect then she got from them, AND from you.

You often post with the naive dumbassedness that comes from being dumbed down in school, or from playing the xbox instead of going to work/school. Off yourself.


November 8th, 2010 at 8:09 pm

Total agree Tom. 90% of traveler9878 post and replies are ASSCLOWN SHIIIT.

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 8:25 pm

Sounds like a – Shill – to me…

kingfish46815 Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 2:51 pm

Sounds like a description of a high school date from the female perspective.

Tom Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:25 pm

Sexist. Please go follow traveler9878 off a cliff….

rbcintexas Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 11:10 am
Our Constitution says – Amendment 4 – Search and Seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

So someone please tell me -

1. Where is the probable cause?
2. Where is the search warrant?
3. Who swore out the warrant and on what grounds?

All of the TSA searches are unconstitutional and our government could care less! It is out of control and we are not losing our rights, we have lost them and given them to terrorists!


November 8th, 2010 at 11:19 am





______________TRY TO WAKE UP______________
















___________________AGAINST YOU___________________

willys36 Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 11:40 am
Get Glenn Beck’s new book BROKE. It is a sobering detailed record of how we got here, where it will end up if we don’t act NOW, and a roadmap of how to get out of this hellhole.

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:01 pm

Nice plug Glenn,

Says a lot when you have to use Alex’s site to sell your book……

CrisisJones Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 11:41 am
OMG Alex! Will you please stopped interrupting EVERY SINGLE THING THAT THE CALLERS ARE SAYING.

VERY frustrating. We want to hear what the callers have to say without you constantly interrupting.

Thundarcat Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:46 pm

I agree, when the guest is about to say something juicy, Alex suddenly has ‘diahrea of the mouth’ and the guest loses his/her train of thought! I am surprised the guests actually come back. I would have told Alex, “You interupt me one more time and I will hang up”!


November 8th, 2010 at 8:13 pm

This is the same reason I can’t watch most of the pundents on the so called news channels. Hannity on Fox news is the worst of the bunch.

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 8:30 pm

In all fairness to Mr. Jones,

I understand his being upset. Sorry Little Brother, though restraint, as hard as it is to muster these days, must be respected.

Best to You Sir.


November 8th, 2010 at 9:21 pm

Yes, of course your right. I just can’t help myself sometimes.

traveler9878 Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 11:55 am
If you continue to take this crap they will only get worse. If one person pulled out a gun and took the head off of one person who groped their family it would awaken the whole country. You let the Jews run your country for 60 years and now you pay for that.


November 8th, 2010 at 7:05 pm

What is with the Jew thing? Groping now has to be blamed on just the Jews? A lot of hate.

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:37 pm

The Gropers Weren’t Jews? Last?

Who shall I blame?


November 8th, 2010 at 8:26 pm

Every last person that did the groping and every last person that condones it. makes no difference if their Jew, white, black. red, yellow. Ghristian, Muslim or Hebrew.

Take the lot of them out in front of the court house on monday morning and have
some big ugly assclowns start groping them in front of the crowd. Even at that I think I’m being to nice about it.

Tom Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:28 pm

‘Jews for 60 years’ Unbelievable. Is that how you get “A’s” in your middle school?

traveler9878 Reply:

November 9th, 2010 at 7:06 am

Jews took control of this country with the Federal Reserve. They came to this country in drove in the late 19th century and it was then started to torture our sons with circumcision. The Jewish bankers have robbed us of trillions with the Federal Reserve. All the wars the Jews financed. The richest people in the world are Rothchilds and Warburgs and they are Jewish, so the ones that complain that they are so persecuted are the richest.

The Jews started the hippie and free love 60’s. Then they gave us porn. Now we have hip hop as our culture, but this is what happens to a country when they open their doors and allow millions of Communist Jews into their country.

Nothing I like to see than a liberal abstard complaining about being groped when the Jews they have defended are the reason why.

The Chinese didn’t just adopt Communism. The Jews went there and sold the leaders on the idea. The peasants didn’t have any say.

Defend the Jews against these accusations Tom Cohen.


November 8th, 2010 at 12:02 pm
TSA monkeys are getting radiated as well, but they are disposable useful idiots easily replaced by another monkey. Just pawns of the NWO/Bilderberg Banking Illuminati.

I don’t want to sound racist, but this could be a plot to decrease the African American population by making them sterile through radiation. Remember monkeys nothing is beyond a Fascist Movement. Even Murder.

They rely on TSA agents to behave as monkey see and mnkey do. So don’t. Resign and protect your family jewels boys!!!

Elektracite Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 1:08 pm

No matter how bad it gets, there is always somebody willing to ‘throw the switch’.

skaismith Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 2:10 pm

Hold up MARK! I had respect for you til now, please apologize for that comment. I have commented on here before and have sometimes even chimed in on what you said and visa verse. I am african american, excuse me AMERICAN. Trust and beleive the powers that be want ANYONE, ANYONE, who is against their agenda DEAD. You, me and others like us. You are no better than anybody on here dude. It’s remarks like that that THEY love because it’s keeps people divided. With division, there will be no Revolution!! However I will pray for you and have already forgiven you and would still fight next to you for OUR Freedoms.

Love, Peace and Blessings

Carolyn Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 12:10 pm
I’m sorry to say this but I have to…..TSA workers will get sick from radiation poisoning and will get all kids of terminal illnesses. It will be sad to watch them get sick….maybe that’s what it will take for them to refuse to operate these poison machines that ” are going to make us safe against the terrorists”…..who are criminals in the government and don’t forget the scum elites…..

preparenow Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 12:11 pm
People this is RAPE without PENETRATION!

I know Alex is constantly interrupting people when they’re trying to tell their story of how their being fondled/raped and its getting annoying


Did you notice that most of the people selected for the pat down are women!

And the story of the women they pressed on so hard she actually felt like they were picking her up.

Plus they picked up her breast during the search!

This is WAY over the top!

Alex needs to get the PHONE NUMBERS of the House committee members in charge of Homeland security and start a massive lobby effort.

Just venting and ranting on the Air isn’t going to stop this nonsense but a grass roots effort to stop it will!

Paul Watson add an update to this article with the names of the committee members in charge of Homeland security

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:28 pm

Yes it is rape!

These people saying that it is no big deal are either benefiting in some way from it, (Money, Perversion) or they are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

This shiit needs to stop very soon, or people will accept it. And…. They will violently oppose you if you speak ill of their dominating captors.

This IS domination! This is how prisoners are treated! You are being held CAPTIVE.

A giant prison with no walls and the FREE citizens just follow the yellow line to the body scanners like inmates walking to the chow hall.


notrealEme Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 12:18 pm
Naked photos or scans or digital images or digital renderings of children of any age are not now and never have been illegal in the United States unless those images were sexual, or more, lascivious.

I think the scanners are illegal and a bad idea on other merits. Hyperbole and bad info concerning the use of the scanners being child porn is not useful and only serves to promote ignorances and hysteria.

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:18 pm

Taking anatomically accurate images of a child’s genitals (EVEN THROUGH THEIR CLOTHES) is ILLEGAL, and IMMORAL.

You are one sick fukr to think otherwise!

Say something.

Gizelle Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 4:09 pm

And the groping – some have had to go through the scanner and then still get a groping. What on earth do you think it does to a small child that his/her parents stand by saying nothing while a complete stranger gropes around. How then do the parents and perhaps the teacher tell the child that they should not accept someone feeling their private parts.

This is not a joke it is a very sick government that started this and continues to sanction it. This has nothing to do with catching terrorists. Checking ID will let the screeners know if you are on the watch list and warrant further checking. But checking every 2 year old tells you they haven’t a clue about how to stop terrorism

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 5:17 pm

Agreed Gizelle.

This has ZERO to do with stopping the bogeyman.

Checkout the definition of; “Bogeyman”,

Bogeyman – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A bogeyman (also spelt bogieman, boogeyman or boogieman) is a monstrous imaginary figure used in threatening children. This legendary monster has no …

How ironic is that?

GOD help us!

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 5:20 pm

Better watch out kids or the TSA worker will get you……….

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 5:39 pm

Looks like the TSA will soon get a Re-Branding. They will change their name to something like Homeland Loving Detail.

I may be feeling your crotch Madame, Don’t Worry, It’s ok, I am a “Loving” Agent.

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 5:53 pm

I’m a Pro mam,

In fact, I have already felt up over 700 crotches today alone. And a bunch of them were kids….

Check me out on F a g book baby…

Tom Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:32 pm

notrealEme – playing devil’s advocate on such an issue clouds your meaning. That’s giving you the benefit of the doubt.

traveler9878 Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 12:36 pm
I tell you what. You want to get the TSA of your arse? Go to the airport with stinky breath. Maybe eat some onions and garlic and get all up in their face. When you are finished you can brush your teeth, but think about it. If someone is all up in your face and you really are not concerned you are just groping them and someone has rank breath and you stand six inches from their face and talk big time. I think they will allow you to go through without much delay.

This worked when I worked construction when the white hats came around. We started beating and banging and they soon left.

We are 100 million strong. Their jobs depends on us flying. If we didn’t fly airports close. You let the airports start crying about losing flyers and you can bet things will change.

Because the scumbags that pass these laws you have to adhere to don’t have to same treatment. Like a scumbag politician is someone with character. How many haven’t kissed the Jewish arse?

Tom Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:34 pm

You never worked construction. You’re only 12. Die.

Elektracite Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 1:05 pm
How embarrassing to be felt up and groped in public by legal pervs, and all for nothing but the satisfaction of NSA perverts and false security.
It looks as though the federal govt has already taken over the airline companies.
Boycott the airlines for treating everybody like s**t!

TheShadow Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 1:28 pm
No, no, no, no, noooo…do not be upset with these feel-up procedures. It’s our all-knowing govt looking after us, protecting us. We are so child-like and needy of their supervision and loving care. Besides, perverts and voyeurs get to have jobs and meet their personal agendas in life. It’s a win-win-win.


7stringking Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 1:53 pm
MY answer to this PROBLEM is quite simple…There are hundreds of thousands of women out there that do NOT YET KNOW they are preggers…There are aslo hundreds of thousands of people with some kind of tumor or cancer in their body…In MANY cases, you could definitely say that people being EXPOSED to radiation like this might very well turn a benign tumor that would NEVER become malignant in most cases into something that might seriously threaten health…In the case of pregnaent women, exposure to powerful radiation like this might VERY WELL cause damage to the unborn!..

Therefore if i were either a cancer patient or a preggers woman who had given birth to a child that ANY kind of health issue, and that these people had ALSO been dosed with airport bacscatter radiation, I WOULD SUE the ‘Eff out of the airlines and any government agency responsible….

There is already scientific eveidence they are harmful and a court would be hard pressed to find any kind of acceptable excuse to allow such random invasive searching and indeed ASSAULTING upon the persons of the US of A

Please spread my ideas around and watch them grow into a magic fruit tree full of magic and goodness that turns gibbering TSA pigdemons into cowering pieces of melted birdcrap

In the name of saving lives they are going to kill people…BRILLIANT!Why didn’t I think of that?(groan)

Tom Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:39 pm

Excellent point.

Stumpy Stinkum Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 2:34 pm
Bureaucratic Regulations DO NOT superceade state laws or our constituitional rights! If you feel like you’ve been violated in one of these “Enhanced” pat downs, If a naked picture of your child has been produced on one of these radioactive dick measuring devices, or your child has been groped during a pat down by one of these thugs, call your state police and or local sheriff and press charges against them! And don’t let the actual police give you the run around about this being “Federal” jurisdiction. IT’S AGAINST THE LAW!!! Make them take your report, that’s their job. Call the district attorney handling the complaint, and make sure he pursues the case!

Since we have very little chance of changing politics on a National scale, we must take back our localities and states. Just because you’re in the airport doesn’t mean you suddenly have no rights in this country (you are supposed to have these rights!) The first time a TSA goon gets thrown in the slammer for child pornagraphy or child molestation for doing one of these “Enhanced” pat downs, the chilling effect on these Nazis will be huge and sustained. And if your State has regulations regarding the use of X-Ray machines, call the State Regulatory Agency in charge of these types of devices, and ask why they won’t make TSA employee’s where protective graments and wear radiation badges showing their deadly exposure to this ionizing radiation that is poisoning them and us!

If you’re reading this – you are the resistance…


traveler9878 Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 2:36 pm
The scanners will tell them if you have any metal. In fact a coin in your pocket will set it off. So why the groping? The groping I assume is because the Jews came up with underwear bomber.
I can see a woman now a man is groping her and he squeezes her tits. If we will put up with this, then we’ll put up with anything. It pisses them off when you fight back like with cameras. The police at checkpoints have had their arses handed to them because of cameras.
But if you fly and you cry to someone who doesn’t fly about being groped I don’t think they would sympathize with you. I heard of an old woman in a wheel chair they ticked her off and she ran over people with the wheelchair. They didn’t do anything just because she was old in a wheelchair.
So get some mean nasty old women in a line and let them knock the crap out of the gropers and nothing will be done, because people will fight for old people.

Tom Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:40 pm

Palestinians strap on suicide bombs. Jews (of Israel) never did.

traveler9878 Reply:

November 9th, 2010 at 7:46 am

Tom, what happens is Mossad agents will put a bomb in a Jewish market. An Arab comes in and when the Arab sits down at the table they set the bomb off and blame him. Because Arabs would target the military or Israeli Police. But the Mossad doesn’t bomb them. There has been very few Arab bombers. Some have lost everything. Their whole family killed by the Israelis and they are dangerous.

city lady Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 2:39 pm
Unfortunately, I will have to fly on Nov. 18th. I am horrified about what awaits me. I am a woman who would be described as “elderly,” and I will not submit to the naked x-ray. I believe the required alternative, being molested, is nothing less than TORTURE. The government has made much of not allowing the mildest form of “torture” being used during interrogation of terrorists. Yet innocent people must stand and allow government jackboots to do whatever they want to their body.

I hate to make a scene, but I will if anyone makes me the least uncomfortable.

I’d also like to know about all the elected officials and other “VIPs” who get a pass. “Only the little people…….”

Gizelle Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:55 pm

Perhaps all unwanted groping should be reported as sexual harassment followed by a law-suit and let the TSA attorney explain to the Judge and Jury why it is OK to indulge in unwanted grouping. Why it is OK for TSA agents to group a young girl when anyone else including her father would be in jail for the same thing.

bumper sticker Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 2:47 pm
New Bumper Sticker
Send a Strong Message
to the TSA, DHS and the Gov.
Don’t Fly On The Holidays!
Citizens Against Naked Body Scanners and Indecent Personal Searches
see at:

Put one on the back of your car and encourage every driver who is behind you!

Southern Yankee Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 2:56 pm
After visiting my daughter in Northern Virginia last August, I flew out of Reagan National. Not only did I go through the naked body scanner, now knowing that I could “opt out,” but I was also subjected to a full body flat hands search, breasts included. It was humiliating, and I told the TSA agent as much. She (yes, blessedly, it was a woman) just shrugged and said “Next.” It must have been my red hair that made me look like a terrorist. I must admit that my husband and children think I’m scary sometimes – lol.

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:43 pm

I’m really sorry that that happened to you Southern.

It was wrong.

No person has a RIGHT to touch you in that way, including your husband. (If my wife isn’t responding after the first hint, that’s the end. I wouldn’t dare try and coax her into something that she wasn’t all in favor of.)

The only way anyone can touch you that way is if you choose it.

And from what I gather, you didn’t walk up to this person in the airport and ask them to feel you up in front of total strangers.

If we accept this at the airports, then we can expect it on the streets, everywhere in AMERICA. (Just like Mr. Jones keeps warning.)

bettie199 Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:16 pm
all the tsa’s are on power trips. little people with little lives taking it out on regular people. its no wonder no one wants to fly with american airlines. and honestly if someone wants to terrorize or whatever they will find a way no matter what the security measures. its just another way these little tsa people act to show authority over people when its not needed. quite pathetic and shocking their behaviour has become. You would think the government would step up to the plate and do something about it. they like to poke their noses into everything else.

Promitheas Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:47 pm

and British airlines too. Both of these countries airports are not only pathetic they are disgusting.

kingfish46815 Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:37 pm
I have said it before – take a lesson from the army – short arm inspections are well tolerated, if not looked forward to, when the nurse is cute.

chuckv Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:41 pm
Stop being sheep! TSA are mostly retarded. Women, do not go through the body scanner and do not let a man search you! And do not let them handle you either. They have no right to lay hands on you!

The Patriot Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:50 pm
The fact that this even exists Is Disgusting and Horrible! We need to fight against this corrupt system!!!

Gizelle Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:50 pm
The audio had people talking about TSA agents ‘proud to wear the uniform’ and people being interviewed stating what TSA agents do on their time off is their own business.

Anyone taking a job which includes grouping HAS no pride and certainly not any of the higher ups who sanctioned this. A pimp at least isn’t deluded about what he/she is doing. I have more respect for a beggar than the depraved individuals who have ordered and or performed this ‘task’.

And as for their off duty time – yes off-duty time should be private but for those who have been groping you don’t deserve privacy any more.

nyuszika45 Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:50 pm
It is very simple to us – we won’t fly into the US. We can drive to anywhere in the US given enough time and we’ll fly to Europe – but not to the USA. Let their airlines go bust….again. Life will go on without them.

Opt Out Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:56 pm
Dont post links on here, its very notty and not tolerated.

nonwo Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 3:58 pm
The world worked just fine without the airlines for thousands of years, and have only been in existence since the last century.

Boycott them at all costs, and let the TSA goons along with Chertoff and his big fat stake in Rapiscan go belly up when they’re forced to stop using them….

If everyone stood up at once and said NO, they would have no choice.

Don’t join the sheeple, and their whimpy inability to say no. Say No, and you can help make the change to stop radiating people against their will. Its wrong, and has no place in free society.

Besides, particle detectors and bomb sniffing dogs can do much better than this garbage naked body strip search scanner.

traveler9878 Reply:

November 9th, 2010 at 5:00 am

This is all a result of 9/11. Committed by the ISRAELI Mossad and our own government. The Communist could grope you and you better smile and say thank you. There is so many law suits and so much going on that the government doesn’t even have time to listen to this stuff.
I can just see it in 5 years everyone has to go through a strip search and they’ll wish for the days of being groped.

WilliamPenn Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 4:01 pm
There should be a total rebellion against the scanners. Make them search everybody by hand and file lawsuits if you think you were groped. When thousands of planes are delayed via searches and thousands of lawsuits are filed against these sex offenders, things will change. Rebel, citizens! YOU control your government, not the other way around.

Fed Up Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 4:07 pm
They are preparing for LOCKDOWN.
They are turning the US into a giant prison.
Soon, the only way to get in or out, will be through this prison-like procedure.

Nearly all is in place now, just need to implement the “Permission Slip” in order to travel in/out of the prison-country.

bumper sticker Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 4:22 pm
The problem with some people who will submit to naked body scanners and expose themselves to harmful radiation rather than be patted down and even defending their personal private space is that they are bleating sheeple who follow what the majority do and don’t want to draw attention to themselves. This is pure cowardice and allows the unconstitutional searches and abuses at the airports to continue. Power to the People! Refuse, resist, protest, assert your constitutional 4th amendment right to say NO to TSA and DHS these gestapo goons!

scooby1968 Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 4:53 pm
OK, I now have the choice of either having my balls photographed or my balls groped. For now I think I’ll just smile and say, “CHEESE!!!”

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 5:03 pm

Without even needing a “Scooby Snack?”

You sound more like a sheep than a dog.

scooby1968 Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 5:55 pm

>>You sound more like a sheep than a dog.<<

Little of both.

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 6:14 pm

Since you are being civil, so too shall I be.

There is no “In Between” in what is coming.

You need to be able to grow food, and hunt, and have a clean, stable water supply.

And if you are Really clever, you just might survive.

Best of fortune to you and yours.

nyuszika45 Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 6:03 pm

You really don’t want to do that IF you are planning on having children or, that is, normal children. Then there is the probability that the level of radiation in repeated doses will be carcinogenic. Why do you think the pilots association, i.e., folks who fly every day (unless they are lugging heavies across the ocean) are refusing to be scanned? It is almost sure cancer if not sterility and mutated gene pools from that exposure.

Are any of those clown radiologists? No. Can they even spell that word? Not likely.

Try and take a Gauss meter in there some time and take a reading. It will surely be off the scale.

There are case studies of child Leukaemia victims in Britain who lived in radiation heavy areas – and that was mere high level electrical radiation.

Don’t take the dose, please. It is eugenics 101 in some views, as only the plebeians have to get radiated, not the “ruling class”.

I will fly to and around Europe, but nowhere near the USA. I’ll drive down from Canada, thank you.

dumbliberals Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 5:13 pm
janet probably has the naked women pictures for her own use

CrisisJones Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 6:02 pm
This is fukn crazy dl,

Every pervert in government is saying; “Yea, more naked pictures of little kids!”

They are saving naked images of our CHILDREN! What will we NOT ACCEPT?!

For Fuk’s sake, Wake Up Please!


November 8th, 2010 at 7:27 pm

Don’t think I have ever seen you go after a subject with the anger and passion like this one. That you are loving father shows big time.

MahaKali Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 6:42 pm
If they grab my HOO-HOO, does that mean I get to grab theirs?

CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 6:58 pm

Fair is fair. Have fun I say.

Dragon’s Eye Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:35 pm
If ANYONE really gave a DAMN enough to actually STOP this garbo, being that “court” and “ballot box” initiatives have NOT worked for over thirty or forty years, . . .

: Then, WHY are we not hearing about some stone-cold agents by now??? Hmmmm????

How pissed off do folks have to get before they get serious about putting an abrupt stop to this crap!!! These thugs and criminals are NOT going to stop UNTIL they are STOPPED!!! The “system” is NOT going to intervene on YOUR or ANYONE else’s behalf, so why NOT stop it YOURSELVES ( especially as organized resistance )?????

I just can’t believe that soooo many STILL don’t get THE clue!!! ( This is especially of the “over-preached-to”, indoctrinated, psycho-programmed, drone-minded SHEOPLE! )

Most of America must be loving this ill-treatment, because the tried and FAILED methods of correction are STILL being used!!! THAT’S INSANITY – By definition!

When are enough folks going to put up??? Screaming, crying, cajoling about the evils in this world aren’t going to do a DAMN THING until the People decide it’s time to actually DO SOMETHING!!!

My God, people, use the power and and brains the Creator gave you!!! STAND UP AND UNITE! TAKE THE FIGHT TO THESE VILLAINS, RATHER THAN JUST WHINE AND CRY ALL DAY, WEEK, AND YEAR-LONG ABOUT IT!!!!!!!


CrisisJones Reply:

November 8th, 2010 at 7:57 pm

You are obviously as pissed as the rest of us DE.


November 8th, 2010 at 9:27 pm

The Dragon dosen’t mince to many words. Remember Sub Uncle Frank?

ChinaWildMan Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 8:49 pm
TSA = Total Sexual Assault on America

I and my family have flown a lot I myself have flown more than 2 million miles since first taking wing from Detroit to go to San Diego for Marine Boot Camp. I’ve always enjoyed flying even though as I got older the seats got a lot smaller and the silverware turned to plastic and the plastic food turned to soft drinks and peanuts. Yes, I have enjoyed flying but I don’t find it enjoyable in the least lately.

Why, don’t I like to fly anymore? I think its the fact that I have felt, even before 9/11 that airport security was pork barrel politics, jobs for people that the politicians wanted to use in some way. Maybe its the fact that we don’t fly on comfortable jets made in the USA any longer. I hate those regional jets made in Canada and South America. Maybe its the attitude of the stewards and stewardess’ that scream attitude (sit down, face to the front and shut up) or maybe its the screeners in the airport with their arab headdress or curry breath or their flush faced steroid bald heads with obviously nothing but roid eyes staring and daring you to speak your mind.

No, that’s not why I don’t like to fly anymore, its because they have turned the airport into the worst school play ground in America and staffed it with reluctant bullies that were at first uncomfortable with their position in life but are now banded together in this sinister gang and as members of a gang they’re becoming much more confident and are beginning to relish the implied power that they have. The TSA have become fiends and very willing participants in the Total Sexual Assault on America. Read that very carefully…. Total Sexual Assault on America.

Like I said I’ve traveled by air for years. I work as a contractor mostly for the government or prominent corporations. I have all the pre-requisite cards, Top Secret Clearance, TWIC Card, CAC Card, etc. For years no one bothered me, I was one of the boyz. I was one of the boyz until one of these gang members assaulted my wife by grabbing her breasts and feeling her up right in front of me. Her eyes pleaded with me to say or do something but I knew that if I did something overt I would be between a rock and a hard place. I winked at her to let her know that everything would be all right but, to myself I vowed to exact revenge for this insult to me and shame to my family but managed to rein in my rage, I can’t tell you how it made me feel – NO ONE CAN DO THAT TO MY WIFE AND GET AWAY WITH IT!

I resolved to exact some sort of revenge for this shame but didn’t know how it would be accomplished. I kept my eyes open and my wits about me and when the time came I found the agent walking briskly down the line behind me and I took that opportunity to extract my hard sided brief case off the line swinging it around as I headed for the exit of the controlled area as I did this the brief case caught the sexual predator in the groin and he let out a moan that literally brought a smile to my face. There was a flurry of activity and I was immediately shuffled off to a room where some very confused but obviously angry TSA officials threatened me with all kinds of horrible charges but I kept repeating, it was an accident I didn’t see anyone behind me… sorry, very sorry but laughing on the inside for having mashed him good!

After running a check on me, which I’m sure will warrant a note in my file, they to my surprise, decided to let me and my family board the airplane for the Philippines rather than have to take all of our baggage off the plane and delay the flight which was already a bit late.

On the way back nothing happened when we arrived at Los Angeles and boarded our flight home but even at that upon arriving at home my wife says we aren’t flying again unless our lives depend upon it.

Titus Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 11:38 pm
Make a list of ALL members of congress e-mails and demand a stop to the sexual abuse. Send a e-mail to the white house and demand a reply from as to how does he feel about his wife and daughters being fondled by freaks and deranged employees of the federal government. Till this abomination disappear, avoid flying. If you have to fly, opt out the x-ray.

traveler9878 Reply:

November 9th, 2010 at 4:35 am

members of congress don’t care. People stop flying and the caring will start, because of lost jobs. Airlines complaining of lost passengers which means lost revenue. People don’t care unlerss there are law suits.

The thing is these groping incidents are a result of Jewish BS of underwear bombers and shoe bombers. It’s to condition your mind. It’s like they ease you into the BS. First you have to not carry knives, finger nail clippers, liquids and then the show bomber and underwear dude and you have to remove your shoes like every single person is a suspect.

I’ll tell you this about mind control. They are groping people and do you think your Grandfather would have put up with them groping your Grandmother for one second?

Now if they start taking people into private rooms and men have to strip and have a body cavity search, but the women look like Faith Hill, Shawna Twain, and Morgan Fairchild, then I got no problem with the groping. I mean kill the guy that would complain about this.

Now the women might not complain so much if the men looked like Brad Pitt. Does anyone think this might ease people’s anger?

Titus Says:

November 8th, 2010 at 11:44 pm
Take the name of all the TSA agents and when this will blow out you will have evidence to convict them. Following orders excuse did not work at Nuremberg for the Nazi thugs all not work for Neapolitano or Obama.

marc Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 2:23 am
ok, how many of you will start doing something about it?

Ursus Indomitus Reply:

November 9th, 2010 at 3:07 am

Lock and load…. And wait. The waiting is the hardest part.

Ursus Indomitus Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 3:05 am
Janet Nippleheadtano and the Department of Homeland Subjugation MUST GO.

Apachie50 Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 4:14 am
I haven’t flown commercial in over 2 years and see absolutely no reason to ever do so again. There is no place I can’t drive to over a few days and I like driving, drove a tractor-trailer for 29 years. The last time I flew was when my Dad passed away and I went to Texas. He was given an American flag because he was a vet of WWII. When I went through the check point in Dallas, the idiot pulled it out of the plastic cover, I went nuts and started a big fuss about it. There was an Army capt there with some armed troops and they came over. He took the flag from the idiot, yelled at her about respect for the Flag and how to handle it, and then had his men help him repack it like it was. I was impressed with his actions. The TSA is out of control because the idiot’s that run it want the power. Simple as that.

traveler9878 Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 4:39 am
If you took a list of members of congress and started at number one and eliminated them and the next on the list might think maybe it was just a fluke. But by the time the second person was eliminated the thrid would take notice. He would say stop the damn groping at airports. Let them take box cutters onboard. I don’t care if they take guns, but damn it I don’t want to be the third person that gets it.

traveler9878 Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 4:52 am
You people will have explaining to do. Your sorry ancestors went to Europe and destroyed Germany when they tried to get rid of the cancer of Communism. Your sorry grandfathers bombed civilians to win the war. Most of them never had a clue.

Now all the wars have been bulls-— and we know it. But can you imagine telling this to your Grand children. Child asks, “Granddad why didn’t you do anything if they radiated you and groped you when you knew it was Jewish bulls-—? Did you have history to tell you what to do?” “But you just kept on repeating history.” “You Granddad are a pathetic piece of garbage.”

You will have to tell your child that you were so sorry not only did yuou not do anything, but you continued to fly. I mean if someone were to tell you this stuff your first question should be, You mean you continued to fly with this humiliation?

You people are being conditioned. You will hear the stories and you will watch others being groped, but won’t say anything until it’s done to you.

shovlhd Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 5:30 am
I think now is time for the men to buy Kilts and go commando! Request a pat down even if you go thru the scanner. Look for the most uncomfortable looking TSA agent and request him, or a woman. You religion will not allow another man to touch your body.

blake1283 Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 5:37 am
Honest to god, I am 18, and my father always saw it coming. Now a year after he died, I see it completely, Every lie, and all the truth (what little truth is left). And I don’t think most Americans are going to stand up and fight, They will just sit down and take it. And what even discourages me more is the fact that the whole plan is WORKING in their favor. I just pray that god helps us all.

traveler9878 Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 6:06 am
TOM! TOM! Calm down. After a while you hear so many stories that you become numb. Now I’ve read where the Germans took back certain areas from the Russians during WWII and found every single person shot and every single women and child raped to death. They found woman with babies stomped out of their wombs. They found women nailed to barn doors for target practice.

The ones doing this were of the same race. The Jews would never attack their own people. They would never be stupid enough to do it or buy our bulls-— lies.

I’ve read about the 65 million people shot to death from 1917 to 1990. I have heard how the Israelis torture and grope pregnant women. How they torture and kill children. As we speak right now our Number one trading partner the Chinese are murdering and torturing millions of their people.

We had the government murder 86 women and children in Waco. On 9/11 the Mossad with a wink from our government killed 3,000 people and destroyed many more.

Ever since 9/11 the Mossad have gone around the world and blown up people.

Now that’s what I have to compare with what this lady went through. You become numb to stuff after a while.

Rich cheltered people think of the poor African children and want to feed them, but the world throws away 10 times more than it would take to feed them.

If you live in a war torn country and had to eat goat s-— for a year to get by and you were raped daily for a year and then a lady tells you that she was groped at an airport you won’t give a rat’s ass.

You see I have read so many horror stories of raped and killing and torture that her story means nothing to me. Now if she comes in here in a month and says she went through the same experience you’ll become a little numb to her story.

You can’t take everything that said and what context to put it in with a person who has been everywhere and read a lot. Because Tom if you were behind the woman and they started raping her you would probably keep on moving.

ChinaWildMan Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 6:32 am
America has lost its Moral Compass and indeed is the Great Satan that Iran and most of the rest of the world says it is. Unless we get God back into our lives we will not have the courage to stand up to this tyranny and regain our God Given Rights and Freedom from the Government / Banker Fraud that will eventually enslave us.



Penhorse Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 7:22 am
Can’t decide; who is the biggest liar, Cherty or Janet?

bumper sticker Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 7:35 am
Refuse, resist, protest!

Assert your constitutional 4th amendment right:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Say NO to the TSA and DHS gestapo goons! If you need to travel a very long distance find alternative methods of travel and plan in advance. Avoid the body scanners and “Opt Out” if you must fly. Absolutely refuse any touching of your genitals or breasts. Talk to others in line with you and persuade them to opt out en masse along with you. In unity there is strength.

Bumper Stickers at:

traveler9878 Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 7:41 am
From what I hear the Jews agve us religion. This is just one more way they control us. It makes us docile. It gives billions something to believe in. Everyone has prayed that something not hapen. How many have prayed they hope their father doesn’t bust their ass? If you’ll notice the most backward people are the most religious. The damn Latins, Indians and Asians. Some Whites have enough sense to think for themselves.

nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 8:32 am
criminals continue to sell every word
of the official government 9/11 story

Homeland Gestapo
Airport Assault
Police State

Lovepirate Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 10:50 am
When my 91 yr. old mother has to take her shoes off, “‘Cause she just might be…Al Qaeda”, to board a commercial airliner, but the southern Arizona frontier with Mexico is left wide open to murdering cartels of drug/human/terrorism traffickers… And, until our southern borders are secured, by whatever means necessary, ALL OF THIS “The terrorists are coming! The terrorists are coming!” baloney is just that. BALONEY!! I’M NOT AFRAID OF ANY “TERRORISTS”. ‘Cause there aren’t ANY!!!
IT’S ALL BULLSHIITE!! ALL OF IT! The Patriot Act needs to be REPEALED. DHS needs to go away.
TSA needs to be prosecuted for sexual assault AND violations of our 4th Amendment rights…
So, I’m wondering, WHERE are all these “Oath Keepers” in law enforcement?? They should be making arrests as I write this. But if The Justice Dept. won’t prosecute… Then the State, County or municipal prosecuting attorneys SHOULD. If they don’t, then WE KNOW… “The Fix is In”.

worshach Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 12:01 pm
I am so upset at the TSA right now that I honestly cannot find the words to express my outrage but the paragraphs below represent my best effort…

First of all the new TSA regulations are a violation of every American citizen’s civil rights and a breach of trust between the US government and its people. The 14th amendment guarantees protection against illegal search and seizure and grants every American citizen the right to reasonable expectations of privacy. Furthermore, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 guarantees the protection of this constitutional right in public facilities. In contrast the latest TSA regulations require all travelers to submit to a full body scan in a public location which is in direct violation of this constitutional protection.

But many in the TSA will dispute my argument by pointing out that there is an “Opt-Out” policy in place for citizens who refuse to be scanned and that the Opt-Out screening can be performed in a private booth. The truth is that if you “Opt-Out” of the scanner you are automatically presumed to be guilty and therefor forfeit your 14th amendment rights. This opens the door for an extremely uncomfortable physical search that not only involves a TSA agent running their hands up citizen’s inner thighs until they experience “resistance” (aka genitals), but also allows for the TSA agent to place their hands INSIDE of the citizen’s pants! And this is a result of the public screening. Who knows what extremes a citizen will be exposed to during a private screening! The American Constitution that I know doesn’t allow for the assumption of guilt by any state or federal authority based on a citizen’s exercise of their constitutional rights but it would seem that the TSA follows their own individually tailored constitution which is unfettered by these restrictions.

To illustrate my point that the TSA is out of control I would like to reference the events of November 8th, 2010 between 0730 and 0800 at FWA, and the again between 16:30 and 17:30 hours at BDL. During the first event I confronted a TSA supervisor about my complaints and I was given a blank complaint form and told that I would be referred to the TSA PR hotline. The problem here is that the supervisor chatted on his cell and otherwise ignored me until I was forced to abandon the issue and board my flight. When I arrived at my destination I stopped by the TSA supervisory desk to follow up on my complaint and was confronted by no less than 3 uniformed TSA agents while registering the complaint. The TSA supervisor on duty was very professional but the employees that confronted me were spiteful and aggressive. When I refused to back down they became verbally confrontational attempted to berate and control me with thinly veiled questions about family members breaking “security protocol” and vague statements regarding “security” and “exploding dogs.” When I again refused to back down the aggressive employees did eventually disperse (their shift was over after all) but the damage had already been done and at least one additional on-duty agent stopped by to continue the verbal assault. Obviously the TSA has decided that they can ignore civil liberties in the name of security!

zip Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 12:31 pm
Have these perverts locked up. Take warrants out on them. This is nothing but a den of Perverts.

MahaKali Says:

November 9th, 2010 at 1:38 pm
The Constitution does not authorize this kind of invasion of privacy and unreasonable search and seizure, not to mention the endangerment of health and happiness. The “opt out” provision is BS — the choice itself is unreasonable and illegal.

Worse, in EL PASO, there is NO OPT OUT! Who are these people? They are beyond the laws of the US……Prosecute them for assault and sexual molestation~!

Ripley Says:

November 10th, 2010 at 12:57 am
The author confuses the Milgram experiment with the Stanford Prison Experiment (website if my recollection is correct). What the Stanford Prison Experiment showed was that psychologically normal people will take on the roles assigned to them, such as “guards” acting like guards and “prisoners” acting like prisoners in a fairly short amount of time.

What most of the TSA stuff does is give the appearance of enhanced security without actually increasing security.

Brad Anderson Says:

November 10th, 2010 at 4:29 pm
All I see anyone doing is talk, talk talk– which solves nothing.

It’s time to stop talking and take action: I have a federal lawsuit pending against the TSA, as well as a valid case based on the 5th Amendment; so it’s time to put our money where our mouths are and SUE THE TSA.

tj4tj4 Says:

November 10th, 2010 at 9:17 pm
Just Say No to GateRape

1) Don’t Fly
2) If you do fly, Opt Out (of Backsplatter)
3) Women: Wear a trench coat and a little, teeny bikini
4) Men, wear a kilt…commando. (Google “utilitikilt”)
5) Don’t take the “rooom” option. Show it off proudly, men (and ladies)
6) Teach your kids, immediately upon being touched, to yell, top of their lungs, “STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER!” and make it a game. Kid who yells the loudest, three times, gets a prize.
7) Film all of the above, or at least use your I-Pod to record audio.
Get the names and badge numbers of all the co-stars in your new film
9) Put the whole show on YouTube (you can pixelate your genitals, just like the SNL skit of Farve), with names and badge numbers of your co-stars
10) Just Say No to GateRape.

jaffonerr Says:

November 14th, 2010 at 8:39 pm
The fact is the TSA are using the threat and reality of RAPE to force people to choose to be irradiated and exposed to cancer causing rays so the TSA rapists can enjoy lots of porno they can masturbate to – or strangers whose gonads they can fondle.

FACT: they dig doing this to women while their husbands are watching. The helpless rage of the husband makes them feel powerful, a real drug for the TSA people, most all of which are subhuman grotesques unemployable in any other context.

FACT: it is rape.

The choice the TSA subhumans hold out is the same as the choice between being shot or sodomized at gun point.

All TSA agents must be indicted for RAPE or for aiding and abetting a rapist.

You know what these guys at TSA do when they’re done sexually assaulting women they feel up?

They keep the gloves they use and trade them for each other to sniff, catching scent from the women whose crotches they fondle. Yeah, they ARE that sick and twisted.

They stand around during breaks, sniffing them and laughing. Don’t ask how I know but it is NOT heresay. This is FACT.

Congressmen have to know this WILL happen to their wives! Their daughters! Their granddaughters. The TSA monsters are psychopathic sexual sadists.

On the day of the protest against TOTAL SEXUAL ASSAULT on Nov 24, go through the pat down with a full bladder and bowels and let them both go the very second that the TSA maggot touches your gonads. By the 20th time this happens, they’ll get the message.

If you can’t defecate and urinate on command, you can at least shriek, ‘RAPE! I AM BEING RAPED BY MY GOVERNMENT! RAPE!’ over and over again until you psss out when the TSA rapist touches you.

35 posted on 11/17/2010 10:03:20 AM PST by nmh (Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God).)
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To: nmh

1) Don’t Fly
2) If you do fly, Opt Out (of Backsplatter)
3) Women: Wear a trench coat and a little, teeny bikini
4) Men, wear a kilt…commando. (Google “utilitikilt”)
5) Don’t take the “rooom” option. Show it off proudly, men (and ladies)
6) Teach your kids, immediately upon being touched, to yell, top of their lungs, “STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER!” and make it a game. Kid who yells the loudest, three times, gets a prize.
7) Film all of the above, or at least use your I-Pod to record audio.
Get the names and badge numbers of all the co-stars in your new film
9) Put the whole show on YouTube (you can pixelate your genitals, just like the SNL skit of Farve), with names and badge numbers of your co-stars
10) Just Say No to GateRape.


11)If you’re not flying, go to your local airport and protest.

37 posted on 11/17/2010 10:45:25 AM PST by pops88
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To: nmh

Next time, please provide more data in your replies. We can’t be expected to make heads or tails of them in such brief postings.

43 posted on 11/17/2010 11:45:56 AM PST by Rebelbase (Palin/Christie 2012)
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