Texas brought us a President that made American citizenship all but pointless.
Bush is one of those that is directly responsible for this epic violent invasion and historic disrespect of our borders, laws and sovereign.
Illegal aliens were so emboldened by the Bush administration, millions of illegal aliens marched on our cities and towns, making demands and threats while pushing foreign flags in your faces...
Here's Dallas Texas 2006 ---- 500,000 illegal aliens making demands and threats while parading with foreign flags.
President Ronald Reagan signed that bill into law with great fanfare amid promises that it would grant legal status to illegal immigrants, crack down on employers who hired illegal workers and secure the border once and for all. Instead, fraudulent applications tainted the process, many employers continued their illicit hiring practices, and illegal immigration surged.
Too bad Bush didn’t follow Reagan’s amnesty plan. Oops - he did! The problem is Republicans never learn....