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To: Mr. Silverback

Nice job. You must be from the Pentagon. Answer this Mr. “Debunk”. How does a one plume contrail rise going west from the camera? Hummmmmm?

365 posted on 11/13/2010 8:12:43 PM PST by Benchim
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To: Benchim

See picture 344. Appears to be going up, right? Nope, it’s moving horizontally towards the camera.

367 posted on 11/13/2010 8:14:23 PM PST by Tolsti2
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To: Benchim
I'm not sure I understand your question. Could you elaborate? Oh, and could you explain why there was no sonic boom heard even though an SLBM moves through Mach 1 less than a minute afterlaunch? Why there is no stage separation seen even though China's SLBMs are two stage and ours are three stage? Can you explain why a weapon designed to reach a target thousands of miles away in 10-15 minutes is still visible from Long Beach (in the same small portion of the sky, no less!) several minutes after launch?

If this was a missile, it was a missile especially designed to stay below Mach 1 and hang in the sky for a long time instead of going anywhere a missile would go. No sale.

1,197 posted on 11/17/2010 9:01:34 AM PST by Mr. Silverback (Anyone who says we need illegals to do the jobs Americans won't do has never watched "Dirty Jobs.")
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To: Benchim
I'm not sure I understand your question. Could you elaborate? Oh, and could you explain why there was no sonic boom heard even though an SLBM moves through Mach 1 less than a minute afterlaunch? Why there is no stage separation seen even though China's SLBMs are two stage and ours are three stage? Can you explain why a weapon designed to reach a target thousands of miles away in 10-15 minutes is still visible from Long Beach (in the same small portion of the sky, no less!) several minutes after launch?

If this was a missile, it was a missile especially designed to stay below Mach 1 and hang in the sky for a long time instead of going anywhere a missile would go. No sale.

1,204 posted on 11/17/2010 9:27:44 AM PST by Mr. Silverback (Anyone who says we need illegals to do the jobs Americans won't do has never watched "Dirty Jobs.")
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