Posted on 11/13/2010 2:55:59 PM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009
The only people who know for absolute, positive sure about this are whoever launched the missile/flew the plane/watched the radar etc. And experts in the various fields know a great deal more than many of the loudmouths on this thread. But people who are in the field of missile etc launching with decades of experience certainly carry more weight than armchair photo looker atters.
Many here want to believe that it was not a missile. Fine. Believe whatever you want. I don’t want to believe anything, belief is useless. I used to believe in the tooth fairy.
What I’m interested in, and any rational person is interested in, is the truth.
That’s why you or any other unknown entity on FR insisting with absolute certainty that it was a plane, with no particular proof or evidence to back up this assertion, and a big ego behind it to boot, are not very convincing.
You may be convinced that it was an airplane, but there is no way you can know for absolute certain.
You could make that exact same argument that the Earth is flat.
But it does not fly over the coast. Right? It is going west. You can’t possibly have a rising contrail heading west unless it is fired from sea level. NO WAY!! Also “ passenger Jets” have 2 or more plumes, Not one!! This thing stinks to “high heaven”. (bad pun). It is clear to millions of us that we just got punked by the Chicoms.
The plane is heading east. It’s coming from over the horizon towards the camera as in all the pictures I’ve pasted of other planes doing the same exact thing.
Why would you do that. Missiles didn’t exist in 1480.
I’m coming to the conclusion that this is no different than any of the perpetual debates on Free Republic, e.g., Crevo, Catholic vs. Protestant, Fundamental vs Calvanist, Christian vs. Mormon, and FLT800 a la Michael Rivero imfamy, et. ali. Did I miss some? I guess we can’t forget to mention the infamouse McCain / Giulanni / Romney imbroglios either.
W/out doubt Freepers are a headstrong bunch. Anybody ever have success influencing opinion on such threads should seriously consider cat-herding as a profession.
When they pass directly or nearly overhead, they certainly appear to "go up":
And when a plane flies toward, but not quite directly over you -- flying straight, at a constant altitude (and paralleling the curvature of the earth) -- it appears to "climb and curve" exactly as does the airliner contrail in the so-called "'missile' video"...
Everyone here who wants to understand the truth of what happened owes it to themselves (and their personal integrity) to visit and read all of
I am not making an argument for or against a missile (as I have stated before). My only concern has been the nasty way people who questioned have been treated. That is all. I have seen people trot out their *experts* on both sides. Frankly, I don’t know any FReepers well enough to put my faith in them and their expertise. And I’m certainly not qualified to do more than look at the information and say, “hey, yeah, that looks right!” So, who cares what I think. :)
They've been there, done that. Google July 3, 1988.
I know. Shooting down this UPS plane wouldn’t be any better.
Yep, Contrails are a bitch
“The only people who know for absolute, positive sure about this are whoever launched the missile/flew the plane/watched the radar etc. And experts in the various fields know a great deal more than many of the loudmouths on this thread. “
It’s really not that hard. The “experts” are simply wrong. It happens. What is especially infuriating is that Tolsti2, the guy you love to hate has been practically single-handedly telling you guys the truth. Just like the “experts” you are just wrong.
Now you guys are arguing form, or process, or who is nice.
Just admit that you got taken in by “experts” who were a little hasty in their conclusions, and are quite delinquent in correcting their mistakes.
You don’t have to like Tolsti2, but he’s right, and you all look foolish continuing to whine like this.
Folks, if someone managed to light a candle 30 miles off the Los Angeles coast, do you really thing the US government would admit it???
This administration? No and HELL NO!
No Sir. That is not correct. That missile is heading east. Had it gone over LA it would have been very visible. It is a bad analogy you propound. Numerous military experts now agree. It was a surface launched ICBM from a submarine 35 miles from one of our largest cities. We need to find out what happened to our defenses and correct that immediately. If it was an airplane (which it obviously was not) ,the pentagon and NORAD would have known that in 10 minutes, not two damned days. No sir . That is a BIG missile fired from a submarine. If it was ours then we have one bone head Navy but if it was the Chinese or the Russians, we have a REAL PROBLEM.
TWA 800.
Spot on.
Whatever. You did say one correct thing, maybe by mistake though. It is indeed heading east towards the camera as all the other pictures of other planes are in this thread. Every single picture on this thread is a plane contrail.
"Furthermore, when multiple experts agree, only the truly myopic or duplicitous breezily dismiss their testimony. "
Your recourse to "consensus" of a few "experts" is bogus -- and is exactly what the AGW alarmists tried to cram down our throats.
AND, you ain't gonna get away with steering the discussion off course -- as you just attempted to do:
"Now tell us how these particular experts fit into the "make a buck" catagory, or admit your "analogy" was crap."
I was addressing your "consensus" claim. I never addressed the "missile" "experts" motivation at all.
Want to see "duplicitous"? Look in the mirror!
I could believe it was from a plane IF our government wasn’t so hush hush and acted so weird about it. It this looks like any ordinary contrail from a plane, they would have instantly said so and probably even known what the flight number was. The fact that they didn’t makes me very suspicious.
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