Posted on 11/13/2010 2:55:59 PM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009
looks like a sub launched missile to me.
In the beginning of the clip the missile is all squiggly until it locks on.
seen it a hundred times.
Locks on to what?
No kidding. We’ve got FReepers calling us “missile truthers” and some who are truly upset that we dare question the contrail story.
Missile truthers? Amazing.
I saw one post requesting people be banned who held opinions this was a missile...
General you are banned !!! (Thanks for yer service, don’t let the ...)
No, they're not...but those who argue by cliche' do seem to move in that direction. Furthermore, when multiple experts agree, only the truly myopic or duplicitous breezily dismiss their testimony.
The fact that it is not - it is emanating akin to that of a pencil held horizontally against a light source proves the point beyond refute - allows no alternative explanation; i.e., other than an essentially a horizontal contrail at FL350.
Excellent post. Well done, much thanks.
So perhaps we should stick to evaluating the experts at hand instead if tossing red herrings?
What do you think of the picture in 249? Anything?
But I'll put that aside and ask: Did you follow the link? The one leading to Contrail Science?
If not, please do. Their evidence is solid.
If so, don't the Warren photos mean we're now talking about an ICBM that is still visible from Long Beach several minutes after its boost phase ends? How is that possible? How could an SLBM designed to launch and reach a target in 10-15 minutes still be visible from Long Beach several minutes after firing?
No sweat.
The appearance of the planet venus in the sky is a very regular phenomenon, but when someone mistakes it for an alien spacecraft, it becomes news about a mysterious object.
I think the picture is not the video...
The video looks even more like a contrail than the stills. It zooms wayyyy in and the thing’s clearly moving subsonic and towards the camera.
By not being designed to specifications you seem to think are immutable.
I recall the Soviets making extensive use of vaccuum tubes in their fighter aircraft well oast the 1970s...
What’s interesting is motives.
And the slightly hysterical tone in many of the “debunkers” comments.
Not a missle?!? Well...that’s good to know! Now we have time to recall the missles launched at China!
Note also that the eyepoint in the video was not the surface, but some varying, unknown height ("h") of the helicopter above ground. AND that the lens was zoomed -- thereby further distorting apparent size and velocity.
The arc circumference of the earth is, of course 2 * Pi *R, and the cicumference of the flight path is 2 * Pi * (R+A).
The sketch is not to scale, but I leave the arithmetic as an exercise for the reader. I have already wasted more time trying to squelch this idiocy than is warranted.
If you read that as, "You dummies are not worth any more of my time and effort", so be it...
Then one has to wonder how McInerney et al were so thouroughly mislead....
So the 3 star General is a fool? Did you tell him? Would you say it to his face?
And the man at Jane’s, the Editor -— he is a mistaken fool too?
Good to know we have people who have found a one in a million contrail to save us.
I saw “contrailscience”. They don’t look the same at all to me.
One looks like a contrail in the sky.
This one under discussion looks like it lit up the sky, amazed everyone, was caught on video tape, and then people who should know, and who DO know, state unequivocally that it is a SLBM missile smoke plume ...
looked that way to me too
and many many others.
Doug Richardson, the editor of Janes Missiles and Rockets examined the video for the Times of London and said he was left with little doubt.
“Its a solid propellant missile,” he told the Times. “You can tell from the efflux [smoke].”
Richardson said it could have been a ballistic missile launched from a submarine or an interceptor, the defensive anti-missile weapon used by Navy surface ships.
Or, you could go with these guys:
CBS Bullshit News says:
“The best guess right now is that it was either an airliner or an amateur rocket, but we may never know for certain.””
Or maybe the Fox News guy who said over and over “Kid’s rocket, shot from a boat, just as a prank- some of them are pretty powerful ya know”... ?
Your choice.
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