Just for grins, in virtually EVERY aircraft contrail, one can discern ‘strands’ from multiple engines near the origin of the condensate. Also there is generaly a short gap between the aircraft and the beginning of the contrail — the space where the moisture in the engine exhaust is too hot to condense In this photo, there appears to be one unified exhaust plume.
in virtually EVERY aircraft contrail, one can discern strands from multiple engines near the origin of the condensate. Also there is generaly a short gap between the aircraft and the beginning of the contrail the space where the moisture in the engine exhaust is too hot to condense In this photo, there appears to be one unified exhaust plume.
This was also pointed out earlier ... there are many points about a contrail (condensation trail) that do not match up with this exhaust plume of smoke.
Doug Richardson, Janes Military Magazine Missile Expert Tells You the Truth: Ballistic Missile, No Doubt
Doug Richardson, the editor of Janes Missiles and Rockets examined the video for the Times of London and said he was left with little doubt.
Its a solid propellant missile, he told the Times. You can tell from the efflux [smoke].
Richardson said it could have been a ballistic missile launched from a submarine or an interceptor, the defensive anti-missile weapon used by Navy surface ships.
Yet CBS Bullshit News says:
The best guess right now is that it was either an airliner or an amateur rocket, but we may never know for certain.”