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To: LightningStriker2010

Interesting analysis, but I stick by my original assertion.

First, it’s a sad commentary that only 40% of Blacks bother to vote and inform themselves of the issues. Sorry, but anybody can read a paper, look at their circumstances, and come to a conclusion. After 40-50 years, you’d think the Black Community would have a clue about their plight under the Dems. In fact, I think White Liberals love this ignorance of their Black subordinates.

Secondly, If Blacks have the perception that the GOP has been antagonistic against them; they are woefully ignorant of history, or just plain stupid! Do you think Blacks know what the party votes in the 1964 Civil Rights Act were? Do you think they understand that most Dems in the House and Senate voted against this legislation? Do you think they understand most Republicans voted for it?

Do you think Blacks are drawing any perceptions the way Rep. James Clyburn is being shoved back to the bottom of the House Dem leadership, in favor of the White Steny Hoyer? Sorry, but for Blacks to ignore this means they are comfortable in their current position, or they’re stupid.

Again, if 95% of Blacks vote for this Liberal agenda, time and time again, whether they receive it or not means nada! They are encouraging their fellow Blacks to live in this subservient environment.

56 posted on 11/11/2010 11:05:59 AM PST by Artcore
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To: Artcore
Well, I would say that there is a good argument that knowledge of history may influence such a perception. The Democratic party of the 60s and earlier was socially conservative, especially the Southern Democrats. Ronald Reagan was a registered Democrat until 1962 and he was one of those who did NOT support the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As the Democratic Party moved toward the left, many social conservatives jumped ship and became Republicans.

This reminds me of how so many blacks judge today's whites based on the racism of 50 years ago and earlier. Just as people evolve and change, so do political parties despite retaining the same names. When blacks see images of Bull Conner, they don't see “Democrat”. They see “conservative”. If we look at modern times, we see Republican Ran Paul questioning the need for the Civil Rights Act and doing so for the same reason that Democrats questioned the need in the 60s.

But I will say that most of the arguments made as to why blacks should vote Republican are legitimate and I believe that embracing conservatism all around would solve most of the problems in black America (while embracing liberal ideas has been and continues to be a detriment). The problem comes when making such arguments is routinely accompanied by expressing the possibility of black American's in general being “stupid”. This tends to overshadow any constructive information because beyond all else, the black reader will focus of feeling insulted and demeaned and leave with the very negative perception I mentioned before.

59 posted on 11/11/2010 1:20:57 PM PST by LightningStriker2010
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