As such, I present you Ronald Reagan. So according to your logic, Ronald Reagan was a RINO.
Is there any other hallucinations that you folks can share with us besides the mindless TTC/Guardasil montra we read/hear?
We can argue the merits of the TTC, but to put an ideological label on it as liberal is mind boggleing. The entire purpose was to relieve highway congestion on existing highways, make interstate travel easier, truck goods faster, and having a major cooridore for imports/exports from the Mexican border.
The Guardasil issue was scrapped as it should have been due to the load outcry from it, but it does not define it as a RINO issue, but rather a public safety issue. Authoritarian? Perhaps, but Conservatism and Liberalism both harbor authoritarian ideas.
So now that the TTC and Guardasil are the only things you guys can try to latch on, is demonizing him as not thinking on his own etc, the only thing you have left?
Enemies of Sarah Palin are saying the same about her, but I know that I never get disappointed by some here, like yourself that are quick to jump into the "Circular Firing Squad".
Rick Perry is no conservative. He did these things. Rick Perry. That is who we are discussing.
Discussing these things with you is exactly like discussing any issue with any liberal Democrat. You bring in things that are not part of the discussion as you just did with Sarah Palin so you can make a point that has nothing to do with Rick Perry or his history.
Have you ever met Rick Perry? I have. He is a lightweight but people support him. Why? Because he has been time and again the lesser of two bad choices. I saw Bob Perry while visiting another friend in Nassau Bay a few days before the election. Bob has given major bucks to Republicans and Rick Perry. In Perry's case because White was such a bad alternative.
The fact that Perry attempted to steal land from Texans and that he tried to force injections of drugs on Texas females are facts. Facts that you will have to deal with if Perry tried to seek the office of president.
So now that the TTC and Guardasil are the only things you guys can try to latch on.."
These two things are more than enough. Much more than enough to keep a very close eye on Perry.
We are not going to agree about Perry so let's stop wasting time here.