Obama's got Soros and the banksters in control of the US Treasury. Remember that ex-COS Rahm Emanuel---a Wall Street operator---took over the Treasury soon as he got into the WH.
"Professor" Obama surrounded himself with Wall Street shrewdies---Rahmn Emanuel was working for Goldman Sachs AT THE SAME TIME he was in the Clinton admin.
Keep in mind, Wall Street knows how to make money disappear faster than a cream puff at a Weight Watcher weigh-in. Imagine the trillions they salted away...... tick tock, tick tock.....
Americans are awakening to the fact that gangster govt mishandled trillions in tax dollars.
HOW'D DEY DO DAT? The Madoff MO is the only explanation Ponzi Madoff created a supersecret labyrinth of interrelated international funds, institutions and financial entities of almost unparalleled complexity and breadth......with assets and businesses in multiple places overseas that hid thievery, money launderering and tax evasion.
Who has the power to stop this maniac?
Things are pretty bad when novelist Dean Koontz states in a public forum that at least 70 BILLION has been stolen by the Obama administration.