Obama's answer: Voters delivered an ultimatum to the White House to start permitting Republicans to vote for his slow slide into socialism and universal poverty.
My answer: Voters announced to the GOP and to any other politicians who want to keep their jobs that we are Taxed Enough Already, and that we don't want to pay for socialism, nor do we want the massive bill for graft, corruption, and socialism passed on to our children.
Republicans need to freeze all government spending at 2008 levels. At that point, come up with a program that cuts the deficit. The American people know that when the government gets more tax money from the people, they simply spend it and not put it towards the debt. Stop all earmarks and pork, stop all money going out of the country to other countries. Freeze all pay to government workers until a balanced budget is put in place. This alone will force politicians to accomplish this. Address Social Security and Medicare and come up with a plan for these programs within a year. Roll back all pay increases to politicians to 2008 levels to show the people that they are serious about the debt.
These are just a few of the things they can do to get started. Also, freeze all government hiring and cut the size of government.
No compromise on the Constitution.
If it ain’t Constitutional, it ain’t gonna fly. Period.