These neocons attacked Christine after the Primary. Gerson is one of them.
Podhoretz, Frum, Gerson, Brooks, Kristol, Krauthammer, Perino, Rove
I’m one of the many independent swing voters who handed this election to the Republicans. In 2008, I sat out the election and watched Juan McCain - the handpicked favorite of the GOP establishment - crash and burn in states like Indiana, Virginia, and North Carolina.
Here in Alabama, the Republicans won big in 2010. They won the state legislature for the first time since Reconstruction. They won 6 out of 7 House seats (all but the gerrymandered black district), reelected Richard Shelby to the Senate, and elected Robert Bentley Governor.
This huge, historic victory in Alabama was due in large part to ... drumroll ... taking a hardline against immigration. “Dangerous candidates” like Boozman in Arkansas, Scott in Florida, and Deal in Georgia won in the South.
The fact is, independent and conservative Democratic voters in the South despise these Beltway types like David Brooks, Karl Rove, and Michael Gerson. The GOP did better in this election cycle THAN EVER BEFORE (and in the Midwest too) because of the perception, wholly attributable to the Tea Party, that these Washington insiders were finally losing power to independently organized grassroots conservatives.
That is the ONLY REASON the GOP has been given a second chance. If the Republicans we just sent to Washington govern in a “bi-partisan manner” on immigration like McCain-Kennedy and follow the sage advice of the likes of Frum on CNN or Gerson in the Washington Post, they can get used to being the minority party again.