I never said that public schools had no problems. They are a huge problem. But the way you put it, that if someone goes to Public school they lose all logic and reason, is utterly wrong. Me being able to look at things objectively shows that I actually am fine. The same cannot be said about you.
I’ve homeschooled and my kids did spend a year in the local public high school as seniors when we had finished up the requirements for homeschooling just before they went to college. I am a public school graduate myself, as homeschooling wasn’t even heard of in my day.
I’ve personally seen it from both sides and do know what I’m talking about. Most public school advocates cannot say the same.
If children attend socialist-funded schools they will learn to be completely comfortable with having government threaten their neighbors to collect the money to fund these schools. It is evident from your posts that you have learned to be completely comfortable with your own socialist funded schooling.
If children attend schools that are compulsory, then children learn to be comfortable with government compulsion. From your posts it is evident that you are comfortable with teaching children to be prisoners of the state.
The above can NOT NOT NOT be fixed. If schools are not compulsory, godless, or funded through government police threat, then they would be called PRIVATE schools.
Do some parents overcome the above? Yes, through **tons** of afterschooling, reading their children textbooks, and reviewing their homework and assignments. It is actually FAR FAR FAR more work to properly undo government school damage than to merely homeschool the child correctly.
Finally....Where is the proof that children actually learn anything in school? How much learning actually happens there? How much of the high standardized test scores found in the so-called “good” government schools is really due to the teaching at the school? It is my bet that when high standardized test scores are found this acquired learning it due **entirely** to the efforts of the parents and the child himself IN THE HOME!
I have repeatedly asked teachers and “educators” to show me studies that separate out the learning found in the home from any ( unlikely) learning that happens in government schooling. No one has ever provided me with the links.