Lets not cater to the lowest common denominator. We wouldn’t want such people who are enamourd of thug athletes anyway.
Yes we would. Voters are voters. As long as the candidate is right on the issues, we’re going to have to find voters where we can.
That’s the new calculation.
Fully conservative, so that every conservative is excited enough to vote for the candidate. Plus, find voters elsewhere. If it’s a thug athlete, or a rapper, fine. Find out - what do the people like that are not conservative? Give them one of those, but fully conservative.
What race are they? What do they do? What religion are they?
Give them a Conservative Coal Miner in West Virginia.
Are there any blocks of votes, nationalities, in a state or a district that typically vote Democrat. We give them a conservative version of what they are.
Can we find a guy in a Union to be a Conservative Republican?
Any of these things. What Dems are, but voting fully Conservative. Let Democrats be the party of Lawyers.