Dude, I'm not searching the site! I'm scrolling on one thread! Every third post is you stomping your foot screaming "I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!" I bet that while you're stomping, you're wearing the genuine ruby red slippers you picked up from the Fulsom Street Parade.
I'll add that to your Wiki article. Afterall, if it's on Wike, you know it's true.
By the way, you really are a cross dressing pygmie lesbian. Right?
Hey, one more thing! If I state that Christine O'Donnell has a restraining order against Woofie, can we get him arrested for stalking her? I know one hell of a cell mate who would find him simply "fabulous!" Judging by those ruby red slippers I bet he'd have some enchanted evening.
This burn was brought to you through pure Grizzled Power.
Dude, I'm not searching the site! I'm scrolling on one thread! Every third post is you stomping your foot screaming "I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!"
Oh woofie...
Are you behind closed doors with Karl Rove and Barney Frank?
You shouldn't expect any respect, tomorrow...