Did she tell you that little Billie Gates sent $600,000 to defeat this measure and screw his Microsloth users in the late great state of California???
and BTW there was a book by that title back before my hair turned a handsome shade of gray/grey.
Whether wind or solar or algae, just about every "investor" seems to think that putting oil companies out of business and forcing citizens to pay 10X times more for energy is a good idea.
You will also find some supposed do-gooders giving money to No on Prop 23, like the Sierra club, the Google founders, Julia Packard. Even the bankrupt Tesla Motors was doling out money to the NO on 23 campaign.
Then, of course, you've got the extortionist groups like the NRDC, the Tides Foundation, the Environmental Defense Fund (who also benefitted from $300K from Meg), and others.
And then, you had the head cheerleader: Arnold Schwarzenegger. You know, the guy that was going to save the California Republican Party with his wizardry and brilliance in commerce. He couldn't help himself from railing about the evil Texas Oil Companies and the greedy rich people that wanted to pollute the air.
How can you resent Bill Gates wanting to be a part of that cocktail party?