I think most independents and reasonable democrats would be embarrassed to tell a pollster that they are voting for Christine O'Donnell. To admit that you voted for or supported Christina O'Donnell is the functional equivalent of committing social suicide in a place like Delaware. So they tell the pollsters they are voting for the bearded Marxist and then when they are secured in the booth, they pull the lever for O'Donnell.
I predicted that Delaware would be the Democrats' Waterloo. If a pro-life conservative can win in Delaware, they can win Any-ware.
Yep. People will never admit to voting for someone that they weren't "supposed" to vote for.
In 1972 there were news anchors who were surprised that Nixon won because everyone they knew was voting for McGovern. The reality was that Nixon got over 58% of the vote in New York state and even though McGovern won Manhatten it wasn't by much.
Last week's attempted smear of O'Donnell really backfired and there are probably a lot of upper-middle class suburban women who are going to vote accordingly. I'm also betting that there were a bunch of pseudo-intellectual liberals up there who went online last week and discovered that the phrase "separation of church and state" really isn't in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.