BETTER MOVE FAST REPUBS: The whole thing is a "structure" purposefully designed to change America. Ohahas got BIG plans, much much BIGGER PLANS. Ohaha keeps saying: "I'm not tired. I'm just getting started." We ain't seen nuttin' yet.
O's healthcare nightmare.
The Chart that Will Infuriate Taxpayers: ........diligent personnel could not fit all of O'Care's new laws boards, commissions, mandates, and other elements on this chart. So they created bundles of bureaucracy. Seven collective symbols respectively represent clusters of four loan repayment and forgiveness programs, four other new regulatory programs, 17 insurance mandates, 19 special-interest provisions, 22 other new bureaucracies, 26 other new demonstration and pilot programs, and 59 other new grant programs.....
These 151 additional items within Obamacare do not appear individually on this diagram. As Representative Brady explains, If we included all of these units, this chart (above) would be three times larger.
O/CARE will transfer to the Obama Admin, authority in a number of ways over the lives of Americans, and their businesses. Once govt gets control of medical care, all the defining, controlling features of socialist govt can be introduced, one by one. E-v-e-r-y-thing Americans do is related to health.
O/CARE Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individuals bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
Socialized health care is impossible without seizing private medical records----BUT the 4th Amendment prohibits seizure without warrants. He'll do it anyway.
Can they just choose to not fund OBABAcare?