then Congress and the WH went about business as usual in our formerly free republic
Most backbone citizens are just too busy making living and paying taxes to do anything about it
But now that the American spirit has been roused by the oligarchs and - as porkulous and obamacare showed- their arrogant disdain for us and the Constitution - watch out democrats who win by fraud
Uneasy will rest those heads that wear those crowns
Especially if they think they can ram through (or passively impose through “agencies” and “czars”) more economically and socially damaging legislation upon us
Imagine barricading themselves in their offices, hiring an army of call screeners to avoid calls, and being unable to appear at public rallies without SEIU goons and paid shills
Nice Henry IV reference ;-)
Just kinda points out that this election DOES have importance in history.
Let’s make it so!