There is a hidden gem here. What NPR “journalist” in their right mind is ever going to say anything on television again? If they do, it will be so nothing no producer will be interested.
I big step into obscurity for NPR - I hope.
This is what we’ve come to.
Cheerleader gets kicked from the team for not cheering her rapist (why was a convicted rapist allowed to play anyhow).
Juan tells the truth about how Muslims dressed in a way that shows they are Muslim 1st, makes him nervous when on a plane.
Can we even talk about TSA who dare not profile a Muslim but would pat-down a nun...
I suppose NPR doesn’t agree with Eric Holder, eh? Perhaps NPR is exactly the “cowards” Holder was speaking of.
Yes, I know Muslim isn’t a race, but the obvious display of dressing in ‘muslim garb’ and not assimilating with the American culture—IS “”voluntarily socially segregated”