1 posted on
10/20/2010 5:15:21 PM PDT by
To: Tribune7
Ping. Thanks to Mr. Lawrence for the spade work. Looks like Coons is dirty otherwise no settlement.
To: Pan_Yan
Ping. Thanks to Mr. Lawrence for the spade work. Looks like Coons is dirty otherwise no settlement.
To: Temple Owl
6 posted on
10/20/2010 5:35:12 PM PDT by
(The Democrat Party is not a political organization but a religious cult.)
To: Tribune7
Maybe is Christine would shut the hell up about evolution and church vs state some of these Chris Coons gems would actually get some coverage.
9 posted on
10/20/2010 5:56:16 PM PDT by
To: Tribune7
Maybe if Christine would shut the hell up about evolution and church vs state some of these Chris Coons gems would actually get some coverage.
10 posted on
10/20/2010 5:56:27 PM PDT by
To: Tribune7
Christine coming back with a Vengeance!
Vote for Christine on November 2nd!
14 posted on
10/20/2010 9:27:23 PM PDT by
Art in Idaho
(Conservatism is the only hope for Western Civilization.)
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