To: tallyhoe
Mark Levin would tear these students a new one, I bet!
3 posted on
10/19/2010 11:54:53 PM PDT by
(POST in your tagline if you've been able to get *5* or more friends/family to VOTE anti-Obama. I did)
To: AmericanInTokyo
What got me was MSNBC trying to say she don’t know what she is talking about and they are the dumb ones!
4 posted on
10/19/2010 11:56:18 PM PDT by
To: AmericanInTokyo
Mark Levin would tear these students a new one, I bet! He did so on his show in a sense noting how correct Christine was... And he even got into Justice Black and that infamous line "separation of church and state"....
The problem is America is to addicted to ( fill in the blank ) to read or listen to history.
Beam me up Scotty, these people are historically ignorant
13 posted on
10/20/2010 3:54:37 AM PDT by
((Palin / Mulally 2012 ))
To: AmericanInTokyo
Levin should invite them on the show for a discussion.
22 posted on
10/20/2010 5:44:36 AM PDT by
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